Chapter 44

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She was gorgeous, big Brown eyes with golden locks cascading down her back. She was on the small side but had a firey attitude to make up for it.

For some reason I couldn't get her out of my head, the way she laughed and joked with everyone. I felt the rush of need course through me and bit the inside of my cheek in an attempt to forget about her.

She made it perfectly clear that she wanted Jace, growling lowly I turned to the bartender and asked for a cold one.

Tonight was the night, tonight we would be free or at war. Claire's suggestion was the best idea we had, had in years. Jace and I had been throwing ideas between the both of us but we knew that they would just be futile attempts.

Lifting my head, I looked around the club. Since I can remember this had been our scene, the men standing at attention, the fighting and death inevitable.

Tonight might prove to be the out I have always been aiming for, my eyes found Claire standing off to the side her eyes shifting across the room watching everyone.

I saw the small smile grace her lips and I turned to see her eyes firmly planted on Nick. He wasn't paying any attention, his eyes roaming the bodies of everyone who stepped through the door.

The moment his kid brother had stepped through our doors, Jace and I knew that we had our chance. My gaze shifted back to Claire, she knew this life better than we did. Her loss was greater than our own, she deserved happiness.

So Jace and I took it upon ourselves to try and ensure she got what she deserved. She was never meant to live this life, to kill, to constantly be on guard.

Shaking my head I lifted my drink to my lips, tonight changed everything. Glancing at my watch, before nodding my head at Jace as he stepped towards the bar.

"I'm going to crash for a bit before tonight, anything happens call for me." I told him as I slipped from the bar, heading for the elevator.

Rolling my head around my neck trying to relieve the stress that seemed permanently branded on my shoulders, I opened the door to my room.

Only to stop short, sitting at the small table near the windows was Dawson typing away on her computer. Her long hair was thrown up into a messy pile on her head and glasses were perched on her nose.

"Are you going to stand there all day?" She asked not looking up from her computer. My eyes eagerly took her in, slim tank top with booty short underwear, made her look like one sexy mess.

"What are you doing in my room?" I asked as I sat on the bed to remove my shoes, watching her as I removed my pants and shirt.

"What does it look like?" She asked glancing at me before returning to her computer.

I bit my lip to stop my smartass remark, she was baiting me and I wasn't about to let her know exactly how much she was effecting me.

"Jace's room is down the hall, I'm going to sleep." I murmured as I laid back on the bed, throwing my arm over my eyes.

"Thats good to know," she replied not moving from her seat. "But I'm staying here."

"Why?" I asked leaning up against the head board to look at her.

"Because," she replied.

"You're a difficult one, aren't you?" I told her.

"You honestly have no idea," she smirked at me, her eyes never leaving the screen.

"You know being in here won't bode well if you want Jace," I muttered more to myself than her.

"Who said I wanted Jace?" She asked closing her laptop and arching her back, my eyes zeroed in on her breasts pushing at the flimsy material she called a shirt.

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