Chapter 24

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I walked out of the room and down the hall, stopping in front of Bellamy's door before knocking. I waited a few moments before knocking harder.

I smirked when I heard a cuss and the door fly open, "what?" He demanded leaning against the door, his disheveled form and tired looking eyes making me feel slightly guilty I had woke him up.

"I have something to show you," I told him as I shouldered my way inside. This was something that I needed to show him, if I didn't he would be pissed that i had waited.

"Oh yes, please just make yourself at home," he replied sarcastically as he turned towards me.

"Oh I will, just like you always do." I told him and shook my head when he gave me a lazy smile knowing he remembered what I was referring to.

I dropped the files on the end of his bed and opened each one so the pictures were showing.

"Jason, got some information I think you need to know about." I looked up at him and watched him press his lips together at Jason's name being mentioned before stepping forward and slamming the door shut with his foot.

"These two," I pointed to the men's photos.

"Adam and Kellan," Bellamy voiced as I nodded in confirmation.

"They didn't have identities until 3 years ago. Jason digged a little deeper and got these," I said as I pulled the mug shots from the bottom of the stacks.

"They were in jail for murder." I said as I looked at him, holding the two photos in my hand.

"So? Most of the people in our employ have been in for something." He replied in a bored tone, barely looking over the photos.

"They were hired to kill, your prior boss Marcos 5 years ago." I watched gauged his reaction as his eyes widened in surprise. "Their boss was Stephano Baldini," I murmured as I placed the mugshots next to the photos of the men taken recently.

I watched him frown as he stepped forward to examine the photos more closely.

"Holy shit, this whole fucking time they were right fucking here, right fucking here." He snarled as his hands clenched into fists.

I looked at the mug shots and the photos Jason had printed and noted the slight differences.

The buff blonde with an attitude had altered his brow bone and cheeks, giving him a slightly wider look. His hair had been darkened slightly giving him more of a dark dirty blonde look, just enough to make it look like a different person.

The innocent boy had accentuated his jaw line, the deep scare that ran down his hair line and the pinched skin at his eyes gave him the most change between all three of the employees. It caused him to change from the innocent boy to a hard looking criminal.

Narrowing my eyes at the changes these fools went through to get into the club was infuriating, what else would they go through to appease their boss.

"You have got to be shitting me," he growled as his eyes scanned the files, his face srunching up in disgust and betrayal.

"This girl, she isn't who she says she is either." I stated as I pointed to the blonde.

"Nicole?" Bellamy questioned, recognizing the petite blonde, the frown on his forehead deepening.

I nodded as I pulled the photo of the red head out from the papers and set it next to the picture of the blonde.

"Son of a bitch!" He snarled as he grabbed the two photos and looked more closely. "I fucking knew that whore looked familiar." He yelled as the photos began to crinkle in his clenched fists.

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