Chapter 5

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I stumbled out of the club and on to the street, what have I done? Nick was going to kill me, if they didn't get to me first.

Fuck! My subconscious screamed at me as I stumbled my way towards my apartment. 48 hours, they gave me 48 hours to find Nick and bring him to them. I had 48 hours to track my brother down and convince him to help me.

God, I'm dead! Worse than dead, he is going to string me up by the balls and let me hang there. Grumbling as I shoved my key into the lock, I had no idea where my brother even was, so how was I supposed to find him in 48 hours?

Grabbing my phone from my pocket I sighed as I scrolled to his name, "fuck" I muttered under my breath as I kicked my door shut. Pressing the call button, I held my breath as I heard it ringing on the other end.

"It's Nick, you know what to do." I flinched at the beep.

"Nick, hey its me, uh I need to talk to you man. Give me a call when your back in town." Disconnecting the call, I tossed my phone on to the counter and made my way to my cabinet.

Pulling the whiskey out and setting it on the counter before grabbing a shot glass, I hung my head down thinking about all the ways that this could go wrong.

I don't know why they wanted to see Nick, they had the chance to blow my brains out but they didn't take it. I stole from them, cheating at the poker tables was easy, I just didn't think they would catch me so easily.

A couple times a week I had been going in there and skimming small amounts from the tables, nothing that they would have noticed. The first time I only nabbed a couple hundred before slipping out.

I thought damn, luck was on my side but it looks like my luck has run out and now if I didn't get Nick in there I was a dead man.

Grabbing the glass and the whiskey I made my way to the couch. I could do nothing but wait for my brother to contact me. I just hoped it was soon, 47 hours left and counting.

I woke up to my alarm going off in my room and groaned, "are you going to get that?"

I jumped at the deep voice that filled my living room falling to the floor slamming my elbow on the coffee table as I went down. Rubbing my elbow as I sat up and glaring around the room at the chuckle that followed.

I pulled myself to a standing position and saw Nick sitting in one of the bar stools that surrounded my kitchen counter.

It was still dark outside and way too early for me to be getting up, "what time is it?" I questioned as I ran my hands down my face, my head was killing me.

"4:30." He rumbled.

"Did you set my alarm off?" I growled and winced as the action sliced through my pounding skull.


"Dick," I muttered as I walked around my couch and into the kitchen. Reaching into the cabinet to grab a glass as Nick slid two white pills towards me.

"What time did you get into town?" I asked before grabbing the pills and gulping them down with some water before I started to rub my temples.

"An hour ago." I huffed at my brothers short answers, he always was a man of few words. "What do you need, Jeremy?"

I pursed my lips at his question, one I didn't know if I wanted to answer. Glancing up at his unreadable face I sighed in defeat.

"I uh," I began as I lowered my head and scratched at the back of my neck. "I'm in some trouble."

Glancing up at him I watched as his eyes flickered across my face, "how much do you need this time?"

I flinched at his tone, this wasn't the first time I had to go to my brother for help. This was the first time however that I needed his help on a different matter.

"I don't know," I whispered as I moved to sit back on the couch.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He ground out, his irritation at me slipping through.

"Like I said I don't know." I muttered as I hung my head.

"Jeremy," he growled out. I knew that tone, the one that left no room for arguement, no room for lies. He wanted the truth and the whole truth.

"Look I went into this club, actually several around the city. Playing the tables and skimming money, small amounts here and there nothing much to notice. I've been doing it for a few months now, hundred here, a hundred there."

"I didn't think they would catch on but last night my luck it ran out." I whispered.

"What club?" He asked as he moved to stand by the front window, I watched as he moved the curtain glancing down at the street before letting it go and turning towards me.

"Bellamy's," I cringed at the silence that followed that one name.

"What have I fucking told you about them Jeremy? How many times have I told you not to be doing that shit in their area?" He bellowed, my head ringing at the sound.

"I know, fuck. I'm so sorry Nick, I didn't think it would be so bad..." I tried to explain but he held his hand up to silence any further explanation.

"What do they want?" He questioned his eyes probing.

"They want me to set up a meet," I paused to watch his expression. "They want to meet with you."

His expression darkened significantly as he jerked his hands through his hair.

"Nick, I'm sorry. You warned me to stay away and I didn't listen. Look I'm telling you what went down but I'm not going to set up the meet." I told him standing to meet his eyes levelly.

"And what do you expect will happen when you don't?" He demanded as he stepped closer to me.

"I know what will happen and I don't care. This isn't your problem it's mine. I shouldn't have even called you." I exclaimed my sober self seeping through.

I fell back into the couch as he stepped forward to get into my face, "you will set up that meet and you will pack your shit and get the hell out of town." He snarled.

"No, I'm not leaving here. My life is here, my job, you, I'm not going to do this and neither are you. What happens, happens." I shrugged my shoulders.

"That's what you think," he snapped at me, when my gaze went to meet his the only thing I saw was his fist heading for my face before darkness crowded in.

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