Chapter 37

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I sat at the table, rubbing my shoulder. The bleeding had stopped, thankfully. Jason had called informing me that the cops had showed up and they only suffered minor casualties.

However the club was in shambles, Jace was calling in every contact they had in an effort to get the club up and running as quickly as possible. They were fine, everyone was fine. He asked about Claire and to be honest there wasn't much that I could tell him.

She was breathing, I could see her chest rise and fall with every breath she took. Without taking her for medical attention there was not much I could do for her but wait. I had no idea what was in that syringe and for this alone, I was going to kill the bastard with my bare hands.

Sighing, I ran my fingers through my hair. She had to be okay, she just had to. Looking out the window again, I silently prayed that she woke up soon.

As if hearing my thoughts, I jumped when I heard her moan softly. My gaze immediately going to her small form on the bed. Her hands were cradling her head as she blinked her eyes open.

"What the fuck happened?" She groaned as she rolled over in bed to get up.

"Don't move," I told her softly as I stood up to get her a glass of water.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?" She accused, hissing in pain as the loud sound assaulted her ears.

"We're not in your room, we're at the hotel down the street. Here drink this." I told her slipping the small glass into her hand.

"Why? What happened?" She asked as she sipped gingerly at the water.

"You were drugged," I told her softly as I sat at the edge of the bed. I kept telling myself it was to make sure she didn't topple over but in honesty, I had been scared of losing her, the need to be close to her was hard to ignore.

"What?" She squeeked, her eyes trained on my face.

"Someone came up behind you and shoved a needle into your neck, I was able to get to you but we weren't able to get him." I watched as she instinctively raised her hand to her neck for inspection.

"Well damn, but that doesn't explain why we're here." She stated simply, her eyes taking in my appearance.

"After you passed out, customers began to start shooting up the place. Apparently taking advantage of our weakness, our worry of you." I whispered, watching the emotions flash across her face.

"What? Why the fuck are we here then? We need to be at the club." She yelled as she scooted to the edge of the bed.

"No, we're not going anywhere." I told her sternly.

"The hell I'm not, those are my family members there. I won't sit here and do nothing." She seethed.

"There is nothing that you can do, until the club is repaired Jace and Bellamy don't want you stepping foot in that club." I placed a hand on her shoulder to keep her in place.

"I'm leaving," she hissed as she jerked her shoulder out of my hold.

"No your not,"the rough edge to my voice causing her to pause and face me.

"You honestly think you're going to stop me?" She laughed bitterly.

"We both know that I can, don't make me," I whispered standing from the edge of the bed.

"Make me?" She scoffed as she stood before me, hands on her hips meeting me head on.

"Your pathetic, you know that? Some hired gun you turned out to be. Running the first chance you got," she spit out. The fire in her eyes, the defiance, it was the first sign of the old Claire, the one I had fallen for so many years ago.

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