Chapter 42

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Omg. This holiday season is just kicking my butt lol. I'm so sorry for the late update and I'll try to update more often however don't hold it against me when I dont! Hope you enjoy.



I woke up to an empty bed, raising up slightly I glanced around the room, listening for any noise that she might still be here. Dead silence met my ears and I sighed, falling back to the bed and running my hand down my face.

We had made great steps, in the time we had away from the club. Despite us walking into the club yesterday, I still wasn't sure if she was comfortable with us just yet. For some odd reason it annoyed me, I loved her.

I wanted all the chances I could in order to prove to her that I could be the man of her dreams, that I could be her forever, if she let me. So much time had passed, wasted time, time that could have been ours, if life hadn't gotten in the way.

Sighing, I got up and made the bed. Grabbing a change of clothes I made my way to the bathroom only to stop right in the doorway. A sticky note was taped to the mirror, a small smile graced my lips as I stepped forward and read her short words.

Business as usual, you looked too handsome to wake. Come find me when your ready.



Tracing the letters with my fingers, I smiled wider before stepping into the shower. Once I was finished I stepped out of the shower only to pause again. Apparently she was the romantic type, the steam from my shower fogged up the mirror.

Showing the swipes of her fingertips as she had left me another note.

My Knight.

Was written from the steam of her shower with lips imprints next to the words. I chuckled softly, writing my own little note underneath hers before quickly getting dressed.

I emerged from the room only to hear hushed voices coming from the security room. Walking quietly down the hall, my ears straining to hear the conversation.

"Are you sure about this?" Jace asked.

"I'm positive, things need to change. We all want that, it's something we have been striving for. The second club is up and running, we are making enough between the two that this can work." Claire whispered.

"Things have been getting out of control, Stephano is becoming bolder and bolder in his moves against us. Jason is back and now that we have Nick? Things are finally falling into place." Bellamy stated.

"We never planned to take over, it was the cards that we were dealt. If there is even a slight chance I want to take it, we all deserve it." He finished.

"I understand what both of you are saying but it can't be this easy." Jace muttered.

"It can be," Bell murmured.

"Fine but we do this my way." Jace responded sounding tired.

"Then it's settled, get everything ready. We move out tomorrow, we know where he will be." Bellamy finished and with that he opened the door.

He stood staring at me for a moment before, turning back to the room and opening the door wider. Claire stood with her arms crossed next to the computers and Jace stood next to her with his hands in his pockets.

"Someone better explain to Nick what is happening." He told them before brushing past me, leaving Claire and Jace staring after him.

"This one is all you doll face," Jace muttered before leaving the room as well.

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