Chapter 46

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I watched as Claire stepped forward, an air of power surrounding her. Jace came forward as Bellamy stepped up from the chair, Claire sat down as the two men flanked her.

"Stephano, it has been a while." She replied as she watched his every move. Fuck me, it was right there the entire time and I never knew.

"So, I hear that you want out?" Stephano laughed as he leaned forward.

"We do," she answered, her eyes briefly flickering towards me before centering on Stephano again.

"You know that all I have to do is press one button," he stated as he pulled out a small switch from his pocket, "and fifty men will be here within seconds."

I watched as she tilted her head down and smiled softly before glancing back at him.

"I'm sure you could, however none of them will be as good as Nick Gerard." She answered softly.

"My, my, you certainly were not taking any chances were you my dear?" He replied, glancing around.

"Come on Stephano, do you really think I wouldn't come prepared?" She chuckled. This was a completely different side to Claire than I have ever seen, with all our talks, I imagined but I never assumed she would have to take leadership. I began to move along the balcony until I was able to reach a stair case leasing down to the main banquet room.

"I guess I cannot blame you there, how ever did you manage to get Nick Gerard to agree to accompany you here?" He asked politely.

"I offered my services," I whispered as snuck up behind him. I watched him stiffen as I pulled out a chair next to him and sat down, pulling out my glock and setting it on the table.

"Good evening, Mr. Gerard." He greeted as I made myself comfortable.

"Stephano, eyes on me please." His gaze switched to Claire as I watched him stiffen in his seat.

"Can we continue this negotiation?" Claire asked sweetly.

"Yes, you make continue." He replied his adams apple bobbing slightly as sweat began to break out on his forehead.

"Okay, as Bellamy has stated we wish to get out and you can help us." She stated.

"How can I help you?" Stephano asked his voice strained.

"Our negotiations are, you have fought with our family for years. Wanting the contracts that we have, the vendors and the contacts. Despite your ruthlessness and your ability to aquire certain things, it has not been a match for us and you know this." She answered.

"You have too many weaknesses that can be exploited, you don't have enough ties and not enough respect for the power that you wish to control. We are offering you what you have so desperately wanted."

"What do you mean?" He asked leaning forward, frowning at her.

"If you agree to let us simply walk away and never come near us or anyone in our employ or family, we will give you the empire." She stated simply.

"This has to be some sort of joke," Stephano laughed. "If your here to kill me just do it, what's with all the pretenses?"

"I assure you Mr. Baldini, this is no joke." Claire responded.

"There is no way that you can simply hand something like that over and walk away unscathed." He admonished.

"Ah that is where you are wrong, I can and I am willing to, if you wish it of course." She replied.

"And how exactly do you think that you can manage that?" He asked aghast.

"Its quiet simple, really. If you agree to our terms, letting us run our clubs, legally. Leaving our family and anyone else that has ties to us alone, we will stay out of your business."

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