The Best Night of My Life

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“You sure we’re not gunna get caught?” Kelsey nervously asked.

“Kels, I’m positive. But if you don’t shut up, we will!” I said as we changed behind a building, two blocks away from the hot, star-studded EMA after party.

“Who do you think’s gunna be there?” she asked, sliding her black dress over her head.

“I don’t know. Damn, I’m so excited. If this goes well, we could be famous by the end of tonight.” I grinned, zipping up my teal, backless dress. “I could be famous,” I repeated.

I strapped on my strappy, diamond-encrusted heels as Rachel did the same.

“Damn Nikki. You look fucking hot.” Kelsey laughed, “If I was like you- lesbian, I mean- I’d fuck you.”

I grinned, spinning on my toes, “I’d fuck me, too!” We laughed as we stored our clothes in a dumpster.
“it smells!” Kelsey complained. I plugged her nose for her as I opened the lid, throwing our clothes inside.

“Ready for the best night of your life?” I asked, pushing my hair blonde behind my shoulders.

Kelsey nodded vigorously.

We began walking down the block, spotlights shining in the night sky like meteors.  I linked my arm through Kelsey’s, pulling her quickly behind the building where the after-party was taking place. You could hear the music through the doors.

“Act like you belong here,” I smiled, knocking on the door that I assumed led to the kitchen.

“’Kay,” I heard Kels whisper behind me.

The door opened, the light shining into the alley.

“Nikki! Damn babe, you look hot!” Ryan said, taking me into a hug.

“Thanks Ry! And thank you so much for doing this..!” I grinned, slowly beginning to step around him.

“Anything for Connor’s little sis,” he smiled, holding the door open for Kelsey.

“So, what’s it like cooking for the stars?” I asked. “See anyone yet?”

“Amazing and yeah, a few. Go find out for yourself!” he said, shooing us inside the kitchen.

The music led us to our entrance to the party. As the double doors swung open, my mouth hit the floor. Celebrities were littered across the floor, talking, laughing and drinking champagne.

 “This is where I belong.” I smiled. I took hold of Kelsey’s hand and led her through the throngs of people, gently pushing past stars of my favorite TV shows.

“Oh my God- Nikki! It’s Blake Lively!” she gasped, taking a champagne flute.

“Go say hi!” I laughed.

“Really?!” she started freaking out. After giving herself a small pep talk, I watched my best friend make her way towards her favorite star. She tapped Blake on the shoulder, who turned around and gave her a hug. I smiled, sipping my champagne.

I scanned the room quietly, living in the moment. I spotted Leighton Meester, Dakota Fanning, Robert Pattinson, Ellen DeGeneres, Drake and someone who I guessed was Lady GaGa, dressed as a bubble.

I let out a small laugh at her outfit, taking a mental picture.

I turned around, heading towards the ladies’ room. My heart started racing when I noticed Nikki Minaj walking behind me, both of us destined to the restroom.

I pushed through the door, where a small line greeted me. I looked in the mirror quickly, parting my hair down the middle. I almost passed out when I noticed Katy Perry’s reflection as she washed her hands. When she spotted Nikki Minaj, the two started hugging and began catching up. I turned away from them, awed to be in the presence of two of my most-liked celebrities.

A free stall opened up, and I hurried in, texting Ryan, thanking him.

When I finished, I exited the bathroom where Katy Perry and Nikki Minaj had already left.

I searched out Kelsey, who had left Blake’s side to get a drink. I began to walk towards her, ready to spill about my celebrity encounter.

As I began to close in on Kelsey, she got up and left, rushing to Blake’s side, who had called her over.

I sighed, glad Kelsey was having fun, and ordered a drink as I sat down at the bar. I took my Jack Daniel’s and spun around in the bar stool, surveying the room for the second time tonight.

As I made eye contact with George Clooney, I quickly looked into my drink, blushing.

I finished my drink, determined to find a celebrity to mingle with. I spun off my barstool, and walked into the crowd, looking for a celebrity I knew.

Every time I saw one, like Nikki Minaj or Katy Perry, I’d begin to walk in their direction… then I’d lose my courage and walk around them, making it appear like I had a destination. I sighed, finding another champagne flute to drown my conscience.

When I safely found a group of people my age, none of whom were famous, they all decided to leave. I moaned, frustrated, and sadly made my way into the kitchen.

“Ryan!” I called, looking around the silver KitchenAide appliances. I finally found him over a bowl of boiling water.

“Hey, Nik! Why aren’t you out there rubbing elbows with the rich and famous?”

“Weakness. Self-pity. Low self-esteem. You name it. Whatever you have to add can just add to my pity-party.” I sighed, hopping on the counter next to him.

“Well… I hate to add onto that, but were about to serve dinner… I’ll need you to leave.”

I moaned, hopping off the counter and smacking him. I retreated back into the party, at least thankful dinner would allow me a redemption.

I was following a waiter with a tray of alcohol around, desperately begging God to let everyone find their ways to tables for dinner. As I passed through the dance floor for the second time tonight, I truly became starstruck. My eyes were glued on the electrifying redhead who was parading around the place in a short white dress, with a train of flowers fastened around her waist, a jeweled crown sitting lopsided on her head. Not wanting to lose sight of her, I had to move off the dance floor as she rounded a corner. 

My breath caught and my cheeks caught fire as her eyes locked with mine. With my conscience screaming at me to look away and hide, I held her eyes as she walked towards me, a smile on her lips, her combat boots taking each step with a purpose.

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