Glamour's Bitch

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My eyes slowly opened as the sun began to peer through the curtain, crawling over my body.

I rolled over and peeked at the clock, telling me it was only 7:46.

Rolling back over, I was Rihanna’s red mane covering her head on her pillow. I smiled and brushed it to the side; where her face appeared facing me, sound asleep.

I quietly kissed her forehead as I got out of bed. She stirred, extending her leg into the space I had just occupied.

I walked quietly down the hallway, tiptoeing down the stairs to pick my outfit out of my boxes.
I sighed as I opened the guest room door, rubbing my eyes when the sun glared into the smaller bedroom.

The four boxes were stacked on top of the bed, the labels readable.

I pushed the ‘Good Stuff’ box off of my box with my clothes in it, and opened the lid.

“First day of work… First day of work…” I murmured, riffling through the garments.

I pulled out a black, long sleeve shirt. I slipped it over my head and beneath that, I found a cream colored skirt. I sighed, mildly content with my outfit.

As I turned around to start making breakfast, I gave one last look to the box full of clothes. I forgot it, too lazy to begin sorting through the box in attempt to create the perfect outfit.
I padded into the kitchen, stumbling my way to the refrigerator. The bright light swallowed my hand as I reached for the carton of eggs. I shut the fridge door and found a pan under the stove. I cracked two eggs into the silver skillet, and turned on the small flame.

I heard steps coming down the stairs, and my disheveled girlfriend appeared at the foot of them. Her hair was in a messy pony tail, and a powder blue sweater covered her black lingerie. She slid towards me on long, blue, knee-high socks.

“Ay baby.” She smiled, wrapping me in a hug.
“Morning.” I smiled, stirring the eggs around in the skillet. “Did I wake you up?”

“Nah, my hunger did. And the thought of my sexy girlfriend making breakfast helped motivate my ass.” She grinned.

I laughed, “I’m glad.”

She brushed her short bangs back behind her ear as I prodded the eggs on the edge of the pan into the middle, where they cooked into scrambled eggs.
“So, first day of bein’ Glamour’s bitch. You excited?” She laughed, hopping on the counter next to me.

I laughed, “I’m just relieved I’m going to be earning a paycheck… And, getting to go to Europe for four months in a day is another perk…” I turned to smile at her.
“Mmmmm Europe. It’s going to be cray!” She laughed.

I raised my eyebrows as I scooped the eggs onto separate plates.
“Crazy...” She explained, taking a plate from me. She picked up a piece of egg with her long, slender fingers. ‘Shhh…’ was etched onto her index finger.

“Shhh…” I whispered, taking a bite of eggs. My plate was resting on the counter next to where Rihanna was sitting.

“What?” She asked, turning towards me.

“I was reading your tattoo.” I smiled.

“Ahhh….” She laughed. “And how are you supposed to read this?” She raised her wrist to reveal her sexy tribal symbol.

“You don’t read it. You read the vibe. And I’m getting confident and powerful.” I guessed, shrugging.

“And this?” She turned to reveal the Pieces symbol behind her ear.

“You were born in February.” I smiled.

“February 20, baby!!” She laughed, leaning forward over the plate of eggs.

“How many do you even have?!” I asked, cleaning my plate of eggs.
“13.” She smiled. “And still growing.”

I laughed, “I want one…”

“We’ll getcha one. Don’t worry.” She smiled. She took my plate from me and cleaned them off in the sink. “So, I’m gunna go get ready, then we’ll leave…”

I watched as Rihanna left the kitchen. Moments later I heard her as she traveled up the stairs, into her bedroom.

I walked into the lounge and sat on the white leather couch. My phone was stuck in between the cushions, vibrating.

Puling it out, I clicked answer, “Hi Mom.”

“Hi sweetie. Just wanted to see how life was!” My mom said into her home phone.

“It’s great right now.” I said, smiling.

“That’s wonderful! So, how’s Lexie?” She asked.

My stomach tightened. “Oh, we’re actually broken up. But I’m seeing someone else now, so, my heart is being mended.” I laughed.

“Really? You two are apart? I really liked the girl, you know, Nicole. I even told you that. Well anyways, what’s the new ones name?”

I grinned, “Well, you’ve probably heard of her…”
“Oh have I now? One of your friends from school?” She asked.

“Well, no. But you know the singer Rihanna…?” I asked, grinning.

“Yeah, I’ve heard of her.” My mom said, questionably.

“Well, I’m dating her.”

“No way! How?” she almost screamed.
“I snuck into an after party she was at….” I smiled at the memory.

“You go girl!” My mom cheered into the phone.
“Yeah, I know.” I smiled.  “We’re going to Europe together. We leave tomorrow.”

“Wow, Nicole… Europe! I’ve heard it’s amazing. So you feel you two aren’t moving that fast…?” My mom questioned.

I heard in the background, “Nicole? Are you talking to your dyke of a daughter? Sarah, I told you you aren’t allowed to talk to her! She’s a fucking faggot!”

“Is that Bruce?” I asked into the phone. My stepdad hated me. Hated me for my sexuality.

My mom sighed, “Yeah. I’m in the bedroom with the door locked…”

“Well, don’t do anything to get yourself hurt.” I said, sighing.
“Honey, I can take care of myself. Anyways, back to my question. Aren’t you moving fast?”

“Eh, we both know we are, but we both feel the same way, and we want to go faster. I think it’s working out…” I smiled.

Rihanna danced down the stairs then, smiling at me over the railing.
“Hey baby, who you talkin’ to?” She asked, plopping down next to me. Her idea of getting ready was putting shorts and slippers on.
“My mom,” I said, pulling the phone away from my mouth.
“Oh, is that her?” My mom asked.

“Yeah, it is.”
“Hi Mom!” Rihanna yelled over my shoulder. We started laughing.
“Well, I’ll let you go then sweetie. Call me when you have a chance.”

“Bye mom. Love you.” I said, clicking off my phone.

“I wanna meet yo’ mama…” Rihanna whispered, leaning in to my neck.

I laughed, smiling. “You will, you will. Now c’mon, let’s go!”

I got up, taking her hand. She smiled and followed me out of the house to my Audi.

“I’ll drive, and you can take it back home or shop or wherever…” I smiled as we opened the doors.

“Yeah baby!!” She laughed, sitting in the passenger seat. I climbed into the driver’s seat and buckled myself in.
“Now let’s go be Glamour’s bitch!” Rihanna cheered as I backed out.

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