I Kissed a Girl

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The Whistlin' Frog was like any other sterotypical bar. It was a dark, somewhat small room with a bar by the enterence and the stage at the back, with tall tables littered through the floor.

Rihanna's arm was hooked in mine as we were being led to one of the tables near the front. There weren't any chairs, either.

"Ok, ok. So, I have a bet to make." one of Rory's friends announced as a waitress came by with beers for us.

"Not again, Izaiah." Rory said over the girl singing at the karoke bar.

"No, no, it's a good one!" he grinned.

Rory motioned for him to voice his bet.

"Ok, so, we set up a timer for a minute, or thirty seconds, and who'ever, guys versus girls, takes da most shots, wins. Loser has to go be sexy up on stage!" he said, grinning.

Rihanna grinned, "Ya on, boy!"

Angel and I looked at each other wide eyed.

"Ay, but you guys have more guys than us!" Melissa pointed out.

"Fine. Some a us'll sit out!" he compromised. Rory automatically suggested to sit out.

By the time we had a collection of shotglasses in the middle of our table, Michael, Izaiah, Peter and Navas were standing on one side of the table, us four girls on the other side.

Rory has taken out his phone. "Ya ready?"

We all nodded.

"Thirty seconds it is den..." Rory said.

We all had our hand on a shotglass at this point.

"Ready..." he said loudly over the music, "Go!"

With laughter, we all began shooting back tequila. 

"20 seconds left..." Rory warned.

I reached for my third shotglass and threw it back. It burned going down. 

Shaking my head, I reached for my fourth.

"Ten..." Rory began counting down.

I threw it back, and it burned even more than the third.


I reached for my fifth and shot it down, and then time was up.

We all reached for the limes on the table and sucked on them as we counted the shots up.

"Guys have 25 shots..." Rory announced.

"Girls have..." he counted the empty glasses, "19!"

All the guys grinned at us, "Guess who turn it is to be sexy on stage!"

"Here's an idea!" Melissa grinned, "Why don't we 'ave the lovers go up on stage fo' us!"

I turned to Melissa and laughed, "That's so not fair!"

"I'm down." Rihanna grinned.

Michael ran towards the front of the club, to the stage. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began. The club was pretty empty since everyone seemed to be at Rihanna's house. If people were there, they were all around our age. "We 'ave our own island gem and 'er lover comin' up to preform some sexy songs for us!"

And with that, everyone began clapping and cheering.

"Fuck you guys." I complained, flipping our group off as Rihanna nearly dragged me on stage.

"'Ello everybodyyyyy!" Rihanna grinned. "Dis 'ere is Nikki, my very, very special friend."

I rolled my eyes as I was handed a microphone, "Hi."

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