And I'm the Girlfriend

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I took the camera away from my face to check the picture. He was looking straight into the lens, a small smile barely noticeable on his lips.

I turned the camera to show him, “Like a true model.”

He laughed, “Yeah, ok.”

“No really…” I said, walking on the sidewalk next to the sand. I looked silly walked sand-sprinkled cement in heels.

“Ya think so?” he smiled.

“Yeah!” I said, looking back towards the picture. His facial features were defined in the shaded lighting.

“I guess I just feel more comfortable behind the camera…” he shrugged. He brought the camera up to his face and shot a picture of me.

He grinned, flipping the camera around for me to see. “Like a true model.” He quoted.

I saw my ice blue eyes staring into the lens, no smile visible. My hair hung on the sides of my face, a small curl dancing through it.

I rolled me eyes, “Where’s Ryan?”

Just as I mentioned his name, we walked passed him, sitting on the edge of the sidewalk taking pictures of two little girls on a swing.

“You look like a pedophile.” I laughed.

“We all do.” He agreed. “I suggest we move on to either a shopping center or hillside. Particularly hillside, where it’s not creepy to take pictures with other people staring.”

I laughed, “We’ll go by Rodeo Drive and see what’s up, then move onto a hillside.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Ryan said, standing up.

We walked slowly back to the park, with Sam on my left and Ryan on my right.

“So, will Rihanna ever stop by our office?” Ryan asked, “So we could like, meet her?”

I smiled, “Yeah, probably. Why? You a fan girl?”

“Fan DUDE.” Ryan corrected. “DUDE. But yes, I am in the Navy.”

“Navy?” Sam asked.

“Rihanna Navy. It’s her fan base. When we get back to the office go to You’ll see.” He retorted.

“Ah, because I’m so obsessed with her.” Sam rolled his eyes.

“You should be.” Ryan retorted as we approached the van. “You can never get enough of Rihanna.”

“Mmmm, oh no you can’t.” I giggled.

Sam and Ryan’s eyes grew ten times. “Please, please, please tell me you’re talking about that in a sexual way.” Sam pleaded.

“Yeah, I am.” I grinned, getting into the van. The boys quickly got into the car, desperate to finish the conversation.

“So, how was it? What’d you guys use...?” Ryan asked, leaning forward, filling the gap between the driver and passenger seat.

“Shut up, Ryan. I don’t fuck and tell.” I grinned into the rearview mirror, where he could see me perfectly.

“Oh, but I wish you did…” he murmured as the car began to move.

“Pig.” I laughed.

Sam looked at me and laughed, “You get used to it. So where to? Rodeo Drive?”

“Yeah, that sounds perfect.” I smiled. Again, I stuck my hand out the window and turned on the radio.

Nikki Minaj’s ‘Super Bass’ leaked through the speakers at a low volume. I kept it low as background music. As I settled into my seat, my fingers drumming the beat on the car door, Sam cranked the volume up, the song roaring through the speakers.

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