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I woke up, still safely secured to Rihanna's chest. She had one arm wrapped around me, and the other one was playing with my hair still. She was talking to Angel when I lifted my head.

"Well hello there, sleepin' beauty." She smiled.

"Hello," I pressed my lips together in a smile. I pushed myself off her chest and sat up on her hips, swinging my legs around her body so they were barely touching the floor. RiRi put her hands behind her head and just looked at me as she continued her conversation with Angel. 

"Yeah, my parents are divorced. My mom lives on the island with Rory and Rajad, and my dad is who knows where." She was explaining. I yawned, stretched, and got off my girlfriend. I wandered into the bedroom, where I found Melissa sleeping. I walked back to the couch and sat down, just now realizing it was dark outside.

"Wait what time is it?" I asked. 

"Ummm... Barbados time it's 8:30, LA time it's 5:30." Ri said, scratching my back. "Guess I really wore ya out there. You even slept through the landing and take off at Puerto Rico!" She laughed.

I just raised my eyebrows, "Huh. Guess ya did." I nudged her. I turned around to look at the stars we seemed to be flying next to. "Wow... They look like diamonds."

"Yeah, they're beautiful." Rihanna agreed. I thought she paused for a moment to look out at the stars, but when I turned away from the night sky she was looking at me.

"What?" I giggled. 

"You're beautiful..." she smiled, pushing a strand of my blonde hair behind my ear, "like these diamonds in the sky."

I grinned and leaned into her hand.

A second later, her eyes buldged and she was grinning, "Wait! Wait, wait, wait! I got a song idea!!" She jumped off the couch in search for paper and a pen, which she found in the bedroom. She rudely woke Melissa up and kicked her out, locking the door behind her.

"What just happened?" I laughed.

"Oh, she gets like this when she comes up with a song." Melissa explained, shooing me off the couch. I retreated into one of the seats, and Melissa laid out on the couch to resume her slumber.

I turned to Angel, "Hey, we never really got to meet. I'm Nikki."

"Oh, hi! I'm Angel." she smiled. Her teeth were incredibly white. She turned away from me slightly and went back to reading a book that I didn't see before.

I got up and made my way over to the closed door. Knocking lightly, I murmured, "Hey babe? Can I come in?"

I heard the door unlock and I slowly pushed it open, just in time to see RiRi flop onto the bed again, writing away vigoriously, humming and tapping her foot to an unknown beat in the air. Eyeing her stack of paper next to her, I quietly took a few pieces and positioned myself on the floor next to the circlular bed. I began sketching outfits I pictured stars like Angelina Jolie and Blake Lively wearing on the red carpet.

During my sketching I'd hear Rihanna hum, or sing quietly. She started laughing at one point and wrote something down, which she later read: "a vision of ecstasy."

I abandoned my drawings a half hour later to go find the camera that had once captured my attention. I found it on the floor that I had once occupied, where Angel was now, and I took it back into the bedroom, locking the door behind me. Rihanna didn't even notice. I sat on the floor where I was again and held the camera to my eye, allowing the lenses to adjust to the image of the beautiful person in front of it. Click. She was sprawled out on the bed, her neck angled down as she tapped her pen against the sheets. Click. She smiled and shook her head. Click. She turned her head, that smile still on her face, and looked at me. Click.

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