King Kong's Shit

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“Oh, I see we have one more.” The waiter grinned as he dropped off our breadbasket. “Are you ready to order?”

Rihanna smiled, putting her glasses on her head, “Yeah, I’ll have the chicken sandwich with provolone cheese.”

“Excellent choice. Any drinks?” The waiter grinned. He took the three menus from our table and tucked them under his arm.
“Oh, I’ll have a Jameson and ginger cocktail.” She grinned.

Sam and Ryan nearly choked on their cokes. I laughed, “And can I a Martini?”

“And a Corona Light?” Sam added.

“And a margarita on the rocks with salt?” Ryan asked.

“Yes, those will be out shortly.” The waiter said as he disappeared.
“Bringing out the alcoholics!” RiRi laughed as she broke a piece of bread in half.

“Amen.” Sam smiled. “I need a little alcohol to get through the rest of this day…”

I rolled my eyes, “Of course you do.”

“So, Rihanna,” Ryan began, “How’d you and Nikki meet?”

Rihanna smiled, and began rubbing her foot on my leg under the table, “Well, actually, I caught her staring at me from across the club at the EMA after party… I approached her, not being able to resist her tight teal dress, and it sparked from there.”

I grinned and looked down at my lap. I was sure I was blushing. Her foot climbed higher on my leg before it slowly rubbed back down towards my ankle. Chills rocketed through me as I bit my lip.

“What made you guys, like, fall in love?” Sam asked, taking a big sip of his water. His eyes went from Rihanna to me.

“Well, I don’t know about her, but the way she looked at me made me feel so special, and it still does, like I’m the only one she’s ever cared about.” I smiled, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

Rihanna smiled, “You are.” She whispered. “And she just makes me feel grounded, and happy, and sexy, and… real. Like, nothing’s fake with her, and in turn, she makes me act the same way.”

I grinned as our waiter approached us, carrying our drinks. We all took big gulps of our liquor, and sighed.

“Ok, I’ll be back!” I announced, getting up to go to the bathroom.

“Hurry…” Rihanna smiled as I turned to leave. I smiled to myself as I exited the patio and went to towards the back of the restaurant.

“Nikki!” someone called.

I turned my head in the direction of the voice to find Kelsey sitting across from a middle aged man.

“Hey Kelsey!” I grinned, striding towards her. She got up to give me a hug.

“So, how’s everything going? Did you get the Vera Wang job?” she asked.

“Oh, no, I didn’t. I’m actually working at Glamour now!” I grinned. “And going to Europe tomorrow for four months.”

“Oh my God!” she squealed, “No fucking way!”

I grinned, “Yeah I know!”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Nikki this is Marcus, he’s my manager.” Kelsey’s eyes lit up at the word manager.

“Hi,” I smiled.

“Hello, nice to meet you.” Marcus said, looking up from his menu.

“So anyways, Europe? That’s so amazing. You’ll have to bring your laptop so we can Skype!” Kelsey laughed. “Does Rihanna know? Or is she going…?”

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