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I don't know why but I love this chapter.



P.S: To see Rihanna's and Nikki's outfits from this chapter, click on the external link in the sidebar!


"When we touch down the local time will be 12:20 AM." Jimmy announced.

I dog-eared the page in Valley of the Dolls and set it on the makeshift table. 

I turned and peered out the window. The night sky was slowly becoming littered by lights, and eventually the New York skyline was upon us. I drew my eyes away from the window, where they came to rest upon my sleeping girlfriend. I stared at her for a moment, desperately wishing I had a camera. Remembering Ri's phone, I picked up her purse and searched through it, fishing out her cell from the bottom. I clicked on the camera app and snapped a couple pictures of Rihanna sleeping peacefully.

"RiRi... Robyn... Robyn, wake up, babe." I said, gently nudging Rihanna's arm next to me. She was passed out in the seat next to me, and she was resting her head against the window.

"Mmmmm..." Ri moaned, shifting in her seat.

"Babe, we're landing soon." I murmured, nudging her again. I put her phone on top of my book.

"Mmmm..." she moaned again, yawning. She stretched her arms out above her head with her eyes still shut. She nestled back into her chair, curling into herself as she continued to sleep.

"C'mon sleepyhead..." I nudged her again.

She opened her eyes and stared at me for a minute, not moving from her curled up position.

"Hi," I smiled, shifting in my chair to look at her.

"Hi," she smiled.

"Have a nice sleep?" I asked.

"Yeah," she yawned, "How long was I out for?"

"About three hours." I said, pushing a strand of hair back away from her face.

"Shit." Ri giggled. She got resituated in her seat, facing forward. "Sorry..."

"No, no, it's fine." I smiled. "I got to catch up on my reading anyways." 

Ri reached for her phone and noticed my book just as I said that. She picked up both her phone and my book and flipped it over, reading the back cover.

"So what...?" she said what she finished reading it, "It's about drugs?"

"It's about these three girls and drugs and self-destruction. Ironically centered in Hollywood." I grinned. "Who'dya thought? Self-destruction in Hollywoof?"

Ri giggled, "Who'dya thought?"

I snaked my hand in hers seconds before we landed. I really hated the take off and landing of planes.

"Shit I'm tired..." Ri complained.

"And welcome to New York, ladies. The weather at night is a brisk fifty degrees, and during the day it can get up to about seventy five or so. The time is 12:23 AM." Kimmy announced.

"Fuck." Ri giggled, "Fifty degrees?"

I glaced appriciatively at Ri's short, flowy dress. I was in a white blouse, a black skirt, black tights, and black boots, with a black leather jacket covering my arms.

"I guess I'll change..." Ri murmured, unbuckling her seatbelt and sliding passed me. "Are you?"

"Nah, I'll be fine..." I assumed. "I have my jacket anyways."

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