My Little Semi-Alcoholic

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“So, what time does the party start?” I turned to Rihanna, who was sitting on my left. The waiter had just stopped by with my turkey Panini, Rihanna’s Cobb salad and Melissa’s BLT.

“Oh God, I think like 7:30 or 8:30… I need to double check,” Rihanna laughed.

“Your own party and ya don’t even know when it starts.” Melissa chided, shaking her head.

I laughed and took a bite out of my Panini. “Do you know whose coming…?”

Rihanna sighed, “Think of the best people in Hollywood. Then think better.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Damn.”

“Even for your house, it’s gunna be packed!” Melissa said, taking a sip of her Coke.

The wind blew my hair away from my face, the patio lights swinging slightly in the breeze.

“Here they come…” Melissa sang. Confused, I turned around as Rihanna donned her Ray Bans.

About four guys with cameras were parading down the streets, with their heads on a swivel.

I brought the Panini to my lips.

“No, don’t eat!” Melissa said. I dropped my sandwich on my plate.

“So, is Russel coming with Katy?” Melissa asked as the paprazzi spotted us.

They aimed their cameras at us as we continued our lunch.

Rihanna saw my eyes straining to look at them. “Don’t pay attention to them.” I felt her leg loop around mine. I smiled. “And yeah I think he is. Speaking of them, we’re supposed to do lunch eventually.”

Melissa grinned, “Well I wanna be invited to that one!”

I heard the clicks of their cameras as we continued our conversation. It felt weird to ignore people when they were flashing pictures of you, but I continued to.

“Oh, you will.” Rihanna smiled to Melissa.

Our waiter passed. Melissa grabbed his arm, “We’ll have the check now.”

“Of course,” he said, taking out the black folder.

Melissa handed him her card.

“Be right back,” the waiter smiled.

The waiter returned with her card and our party left the restaurant. We walked back through the inside dining room and left through the double doors, where the paparazzi was waiting to hound us.

“Rihanna! Rihanna! Whose your friend?” they asked.

“Nikki.” Rihanna smiled as she looped her arms through Melissa’s and mine.

“Are you and Nikki Minaj roommates now?” another called.

“No, we’re just sex partners!” Rihanna laughed as they followed us. I saw Melissa’s car a block ahead.

“Are you dating Nikki? Or Melissa?” one of them asked.

Rihanna didn’t respond.

“Nikki, are you and Rihanna dating?” they asked me. My cheeks burned as my lips sealed.

“Melissa, are you jealous of Nikki?” they asked. Melissa smiled.

“Rihanna, what happened with your last relationship?”

“God, they don’t go away do they?” I whispered into Rihanna’s ear as we approached their car.

“Not until you’re behind a door.” She sighed.

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