It Is My Car...

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I approached the receptionist’s desk in the middle of the lobby, “Hi, I’m Nikki… I have an appointment with Debbie for an interview.”

A lady next to the receptionist turned around, “Nikki!” she smiled.

“Hi, Debbie.” I smiled as she came around the table.

“So, Nikki! Let’s get this interview started!” she smiled. “Follow me!”

I followed Debbie into the elevator as she pushed the second floor button.

“So, it’s just gunna be a quick interview, you’ll be done by 9:30 at the latest.” Debbie smiled.

“Oh, ok.” I smiled. “And I forgot my resume, I had some… drama, this morning, so it was hectic.”

“Oh, that’s fine. You can just tell me your fashion history.” She laughed.

I smiled. The elevator opened and I followed her into a giant office room, with cubicles and phones ringing.

“Just in here…’ she said, turning the immediate corner.

I followed her in and took a seat in the leather chair.

“I’m going to go get our Human Resources Director too, just so we can make a quicker decision,” she smiled, “I’ll be right back.”

She left the room quickly. As I saw her disappear out the door, my phone vibrated in my purse. I opened my bag and fished for my phone. An unknown number flashed across the screen.

“Hello?” I answered.

“Hi, Nikki? It’s Brent.” He said into the phone. I groaned in my head.

“Hi Brent. What’s up?”

“Well, I’m calling about your interview.” He responded. “But first, are you busy tonight?”

“Yeah, I am, sorry. Why?” I asked, a smile on my lips. I was predicting the direction of the conversation.

“I just wanted to take you out on a dinner date,” he said, huskily.
“Brent, I told you: I’m gay with a girlfriend.” I said, staring at the picture above the desk.
“I know, but I’m positive I can make you sway.” He said arrogantly.

“Wow, ok. So what about my interview?” I said, annoyed.

“You didn’t get the job, I’m sorry.” He laughed.

“Lose my number, Brent.” I said, hanging up the phone.

“Here we go!” Debbie came back into the room, two people following her. “This is Jim, our Human Resources Director, and this is Erin, who would be your, for lack of another word, boss.”

“Hi,” I smiled, standing up. I shook both of their hands as Debbie sat behind the desk. Erin and Jim sat on both sides of me as my stomach twisted into a tightening knot.

“So, let’s get started!” Debbie grinned. “So, Nikki, tell us about yourself.”

“Well, I’m just out of college from NYU, where I majored in fashion production and merchandising and minored in photography. I just moved back to California, where I was born and raised.” I said, looking to the people on my right and left.

Jim interjected, “What’s your sexual orientation?”

I smiled slightly, “I’m a lesbian.” My head starting nodding. I noticed Erin leaned forward, her lean, dark-skinned body glowing in the office’s light.

“Well Erin, you’re not alone anymore!” Debbie laughed. That explained her interest.

“Finally!” Erin smiled.

“Are you dating Rihanna?” Jim continued, “I swear I saw you in People.”
“Yeah, I am,” I grinned, “And yes I was.”

“Wait- you’re dating Rihanna?” Erin turned to me.

“Yeah,” I smiled, “Crazy right?”

“No, no, that’s perfect! We’re just about to launch a month-long segment of celebs behind the scenes, kind of like a photo-documentary. You’d be perfect for it, since we’re featuring Rihanna, too!”

I smiled, “That’d be amazing.”

Erin nodded, “Yeah, ok, well this is something to consider.”

I smiled as Debbie continued on with the rest of the interview.


“Thank you so much, Nikki. You’ve given us a lot to think about,” Erin said, taking my hand; she had eventually taken over the interview.
I smiled, “No, thank you.”

“I’ll let you know by tomorrow night.” Debbie smiled.

“Thank you!” I grinned. I left their office with a triumphant air surrounding me.

As I walked out of the lobby, I saw the black Escalade waiting for me. I opened the door to reveal Rihanna, her red hair had extended to her waist, the ends curled.

“Damn, RiRi!” I smiled, getting into the car. “I love it!”

She grinned, “It ain’t too long?”

I shook my head, “It’s perfect.”

“Kay good!” she laughed, “So, how’d your interview go?”

“Way better. And you helped me so much!” I laughed, grinning.

Her face puzzled as the car pulled away from the curb.  “How?”

“One of the guys who interviewed me saw us in People, and they found out we were dating, and they want to have this celebs behind the scenes issue and I guess they thought I could help them with that. I don’t know for sure…” I said, breaking into a smile.

“I’d love to help you help them,” she smiled. “Plus, I still wanna see your work!”

“My work?” Now my face puzzled.

“Your pictures and stuff!” She said, giving me a slight shove.
“Oh…” I smiled, “Ok, yeah! We have to go get my stuff anyways, and that includes my portfolio and camera.”

“The movers are getting there at ten, so we’ll have some time to ourselves…” she said, smiling. She slid over, closer to me.

“You really hired movers?” I said, stunned.

“Of course I did! You’re moving, aren’t you?” she laughed.

“Ok, ya got me there,” I smiled.

“We never got to finish what we started in the hallway…” she murmured into my ear.

“Mmmmm… We didn’t, did we?” I said, resting my hand on her knee. She was in black skirt and a purple halter top, with a dangerously low cut.

I felt her teeth nibble on my ear lobe. A small gasp escaped my lips as her tongue traced down the length of my ear.

“I thought we were going to only fuck at your place from now on.” I asked as she pulled away.

“It is my car…” she smiled, “So I guess it counts as my place, too.”

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