Sweet and Innocent

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I woke up to an empty bed, but I heard the television on in the main room. I rolled out of bed and saw Rihanna's outfit from last night laying on top of the bench at the foot of the bed. I strolled into the living room, wearing what I wore to bed: my bra and underwear. 

I saw Rihanna's head peeking over the top of the couch, and the clock on top of the television told me it was only 7:02. I died inside. I was hoping to sleep in for as long as I could.

I walked quietly on the balls of my feet and snuck up behind her, the wook floor creaking. Surpressing my giggle, I clasped my hands over her eyes and murmured in her ear, "Guess whooooo?"

"Mmmm... Niki?" Ri laughed, taking my hands away from her eyes.

"Nope, it's the ghost of girlfriend's past." I grinned, walking around the couch and sitting in her lap, "Good morning."

She wrapped her arms around me and I kissed her. "Good morning," she smiled as our kiss broke. "I wasn't expecting you to be up so early."

"Neither was I," I moaned. "I like this." I pinched the silk fabric that made up her nightie. It was black with a white lace trim.

"Thanks," Ri laughed. 

"No, problem." I winked, slowly pulling the fabric at her chest down. Ri grabbed my hand, stopping me.

"Well I ordered room service for myself..." Ri said, biting her lip. "Do you want me to get you something?"

"Oh no, it's fine." I smiled, "I'm never hungry in the mornings."

Just as I began to pull at the fabric again, there was a knock at the door. "Oh, perfect timing!"  Ri bounced up to answer the door.

I stayed on the couch, mocking her, "Oh, perfect timing!"

"Good morning!" Someone said from the other side of the door, "Room service?"

"Ah, yas!" Ri grinned, opening the door wider for the cart to enter the room.

"Where do you want it?" the man in the white tuxedo asked.

"Um, the bedroom... Yeah, the bedroom." Ri said, following him into the room where I was just asleep, "Thanks."

He reemerged and I saw him leave our room with a fifty dollar bill in hand. As he closed the door, I commented, "You gave him a fifty dollar tip?"

Ri walked back out as I stood up. She shrugged, "It's an expensive place. It's the norm."

She extended her arm, offering me to take it. I laced my fingers with hers and we walked back into the bedroom. The food was laid out on the bed: eggs and bacon.

We crawled back into bed and Ri propped herself up against the headboard, the plate resting on the tray in her lap.

"Sure you don't want some?" she asked, wagging a piece of bacon in my direction.

I was sprawled back out on my side of the bed, my face buried in my pillow, "No... No, I'm good."

Ri turned the television on in the bedroom and continued watching The Good Wife.


I felt a soft pair of lips kiss me on my forehead. I blinked open my eyes, just in time to see Rihanna leaving the doorway in a pair of baggy black sweatpants, and a black and white graphic sweatshirt. She even had a snapback on backwards and black converse. I laughed as I heard the door shut. I rolled over in the bed, and my arm landed on a piece of paper.

'Nikki' was scrawled on the front of it. I opened the note, holding it above my head.

It read: "Nikki, You fell back asleep and looked too beautiful for me to wake. I left for rehearsal at 8-" I rolled over and checked the clock; it was 8:10. I continued: "Jen is coming at 10 to take you shopping today. I left my credit card on the front table for you to use. Get something sexy! Call me when you wake up. Love you baby."

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