Hallway Embrace

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“Thanks, Kyle.” I smiled, hugging him. His hand travelled a little too far down my back for it to be considered friendly.

“RiRi, it’s ten!” someone called from the audience.

“Ah fuck, speech about charities time.” Rihanna laughed. “I’ll be back.”

I ended my hug with Kyle to give her a kiss.

As she walked away, Kyle and I appreciatively looked at Rihanna’s ass. She turned around and gave me a smile with a wave. I grinned and shook my hand. I turned back to him, who was still looking. “Stop checking her out! She’s my girlfriend!”

“Sorry, sorry… You know that kiss gets hotter every time I see it.”

“Pig,” I laughed.

“So, does the whole Debbie thing make up for last night? I still feel shitty about it.” Kyle said, rubbing his arm.

“Yeah, we’re almost even,” I said, smiling. I was admiring my new tennis bracelet when I heard a wine glass being tapped by a fork.

I looked around, and finally looked up, where Rihanna was standing behind the banister upstairs, grinning to everyone.

“Thank you all for coming tonight! Hope we’re having a good time, yeah?” She started, grinned. People started hollering in approval. I stared up at her with big eyes and even a bigger smile.

“So, you all know why were here. For charity.” A murmur of laughs swept across the room. “But this one’s actually for a great cause. It’s created by Urgent Appeal, the Save the Children Foundation. As we know, Africa is struck hard with starvation. And this organization, dedicated to Mistah Bob Marley ‘imself!, is helping those children in East Africa face that monster which is starvation. In any way you can, please find it in your hearts to donate some amount of money to this charity. And I know half of y’all are sponsoring it via social media, but hey, it is another excuse to drink, right? Thanks, everyone. Bottoms up!” she smiled, raising her champagne flute.

Hoots and hollers rang throughout her house as I smiled, raising my glass with the rest of the crowd. “Yeah, baby!”

I met Rihanna at the bottom of the stairs, grinning. Setting the flute of alcohol on the table next to the staircase, I wrapped my arms around her waist.

“I get so turned on by your speech-making skills.” I grinned.

She laughed honestly, “Not in front of everyone!” I spun us around into the safety of the hallway, where Rihanna was trapped between my grip and the wall.

I pressed my lips against hers and took each other her wrists in my hand, pinning them above her head.

“Noooo.” She protested lightly, melting when our lips touched.

I heard her moan “Yessss” into our lips.

I laughed, slapping her on the leg. RiRi brought my head closer to hers using her hands, greedily stealing kisses from me. I ran my hand back and forth along her thigh and eventually hitched her leg up, allowing my hand to travel a bit further up her leg.

I kissed her neck as her hand still remained locked in my hair.

“Yeah, oh fuck yeah we’re doing this once the parties over,” she breathed.

I laughed and touched my forehead to hers. “Yeah we are.”

She rolled over me then, assuming the dominant position. She nibbled on my neck as I trailed my leg up the back of hers. Her arms trapped me between her and the wall as her lips left a trail from my neck to my mouth, where we kissed feverishly.

“Rihanna? Rihanna where are you woman?!” Melissa was calling from the other side of the hallway.

My hand rested on Rihanna’s arm as my other hand came to rest on her waist, my leg still wrapped around hers. I leaned my head on the wall as Melissa turned the corner, analyzing our embrace.

“Sorry! Didn’t mean to interrupt, but Katy’s leaving.” Melissa said, blushing.

“Oh, ok. Wait here, I’ll be back,” Rihanna purred.

I leaned onto the wall and put my hands under me, studying the painting on the wall across from me.

I heard Rihanna’s heels click away from me as I patiently stood in the hallway, figuring I probably should’ve left to say bye to Katy too.

“Well that looked hot,” Melissa laughed.

I turned my head to face her, “Yeah, yeah it was.”

“Wish I could’ve got in on that…” I faintly heard her mutter.

I got off the wall and faced her, “You said you didn’t like her like that.” My face puzzled.

“Yeah, but I didn’t say shit about you,” she winked.

“Mel… I’m with Rihanna… I can’t do that to her, this whole thing, it just started.” I said, taking a step back.

“So…” she grinned. Rihanna’s heels clacked towards us again. I sighed in relief.

“Ay, mamas!” she said, turning the corner, “Katy wants to take us out to eat.”

Rihanna extended a hand towards me and I took it gladly. Melissa followed behind us, where I felt her eyes on me.

As we left the hallway, the party had winded down significantly. Katy and Russell were talking by the door, as a few of the last people of the party were just making their way towards the door.

“Thanks for coming,” Rihanna called as they left. We walked towards Katy and Russell as they hugged the couple leaving.

I leaned into RiRi as we approached Katy, “I should probably be going home.. I have that interview tomorrow…”

“Ok.” She said, smiling, “Hey guys, we’re gunna have to do a rain check.”

“No, no, no!” I protested, “You and Melissa go, don’t let me stop you!”

“Ya sure?” She asked, her eyebrows raised.

“Yeah, I’m positive. Go, have fun!” I said, shooing the party out the door.

She came back to kiss me quickly, “Good luck tomorrow. If I’m up, I’ll call you before you’re interview.”

“Kay, thanks baby,” I said quietly. A little louder I added, “Have fun, don’t die!”

“We won’t!” Katy laughed, flicking her hand towards me.

“Bye Nikki. See you soon,” Melissa purred as she disappeared down the driveway.

“Bye baby!” Rihanna called, catching up to her friends.

“Bye!” I smiled as I shut the door, turning around to grab my things.

“Let me drive you home,” Kyle said, grinning. He had my purse in hand.

I sighed, “Ok. But we have to take my car, because, I can’t well, leave it here.”

“That’s fine. I’d love to drive home an Audi.” He grinned. “And a hottie.”


Author's Note:

Hey guys! Thank you all for reading this! Just a quick mention, that the charity mentioned in here in Rihanna's speech, is a real, hardworking charity. Please take the time to support it via Bob Marley's page on Facebook. Multiple celebrites are teaming up to spread the word, the lovely Rihanna included. 

Bob Marley's Facebook page, where you can watch a motivational video and gain more information about the chairity and it's goals:


If you feel so compelled as to donate, here's a link where you are free to do so: http://www.imgonnabeyourfriend.org/

Thank you so much, Wattpadders!

xoxo, rihannaFREAK

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