Story Time

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So this is a super long chapter and involves a somewhat graphic, realistic account of Chris Brown's assult on Rihanna. So, you've been warned.




We pulled up to her mansion next to the red Jeep, but there was another car next to it.

"No..." Rihanna murmured, cutting the engine. "She can't be..."

"What?" I asked, opening the door and getting out of the Suzuki.

Rihanna skipped around the front of the car and grabbed my arm, "C'mon!"

We prctically ran inside and Rihanna shouted, "We're home!"

"Ah... Welcome girls!" Mama Fenty said, stepping out of the kitchen. She had gotten dressed in a long blue dress, her black hair straightened, and her lips were a bright red.

"Well you be lookin' fiiiiine, Mama!" Ri laughed. "So is my surprise Gran Gran Dolly?"

"Who?" I murmured, as Mama Fenty nodded.

"Ah, she already knew about ya!" Mama Fenty laughed as she motioned for us to come into the family room. Rihanna nearly sprint after her mom.

As I rounded the corner, I heard Ri exclaim, "Gran Gran! 'Ow are you? I can't believe ya here!"

I entered the room as Ri was hugging an elderly lady on the couch. "Ah, my child! I'm good, I'm good. I'm old, but good." she laughed quietly.

Rihanna sat down next to her, "It's been forever. Oh I've missed ya so much!"

"I've missed you too child. So, tell me! How's the big bad world treatin' ya?" Gran Gran Dolly asked as Mama Fenty pulled me aside.

"Das my mama, and oh how Robyn 'as been lookin' up to 'er ever since she was a kid. She loves 'er so much." she explained.

"Oh, ok. That's so sweet." I said, as Mama Fenty wrapped an arm around me.

"Mama! Dis 'ere is Nikki, one of Robyn's special friends." Mama Fenty told her mother as she squeezed my arm.

Gran Gran Dolly broke away from the conversation her and Ri were having. "What'dya say dear?"

"I said dis 'ere is Nikki, one of Robyn's special friends." she repeated, nudging me forward.

"Hi," I smiled, extending my arm out to Rihanna's grandmother.

"Oh, oh, oh! Hello, suga!" she said, weakly clasping my hand with both of hers. "I'm Dolly."

"It's so great to meet you," I smiled.

Rihanna pulled me down on to her lap after I shook hands with Dolly, "Dis here, Nikki, is the best woman you will ever meet. She's ma inspiration, an my idol, an myrole model, an everythin' I can 'ope to be."

I smiled, "You seem like an increidble woman."

"Oh, well I am!" Gran Gran Dolly said, making the room laugh.

"She'll be stayin' wit us now." Mama Fenty said, clasping her hands together from the other side of the coffee table. I noticed Rihanna look to her mom, her eyebrows raised in a concerned expression. Her mother motioned to wait. "So, girls! Enough chit chat! Ya home now, time to help set up for tha' party!"

"Mama." Rihanna looked pointedly at her mother, "We all know ya hired people to help set up."

"But what kinda motha would I be if I didn't make my child werk?" she laughed. "Now get."

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