La Perla

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As fate would have it, we walked right passed a lingerie store the minute Jen asked me where I wanted to go next.

We slowed down walked and I just grinned.

"She did ask me to pick up something sexy..." I giggled as Jen rolled her eyes.

"I guess even lesbians need and want their lingerie." she laughed as we walked into La Perla.

Immediately I regretted the decision. Well, I didn't regret it as much as I felt incredibly uncomfortable in the store.

"Welcome to La Perla!" A lady with a beehive and an expensive dress greeted us.

"Thanks," I gave her a small smile.

"Have you ever been in a lingerie store before?" Jen asked me quietly.

"Is it that obvious?" I whispered.

"Oh! I'm corrupting you! Yay!" She giggled, "Excuse me!" Jen called over the lady who greeted us.

"What can I do for you?" she asked, stepping around the counter to meet us.

"My friend has never been in a lingerie store before, and her girlfriend wants her to get something sexy and fun." Jen grinned.

"Well, that, and I wanna surprise her with some other things. She gave me her credit card to do so..." I said, smiling awkwardly.

"Oh! What fun!" The lady grinned. "So, do you want to shop around for lingerie first, or maybe some toys, or...?"

Immediately I was reminded of Ri's white Louis bag, filled with her own toys. She wouldn't care if I brought some of my own, right?

"I guess lingerie..." I murmured. Jen left me alone with the lady to wander around the store.

"So, what's she into?" the lady winked at me.

I bit my lip before saying, "BDSM. Kinky shit. Being dominant." It came out in a rush.

"Oh, oh, oh!" The lady giggled. "I can help you out there. We'll first give you a few cute outfits or so to surprise her with before you whip out the toys." She laughed at her own joke.

I just smiled, incredibly uncomfortable.

"So, do you want a nightie? A corset maybe? Just a simple bra and panties?" she asked.

"Ummm..." I thought about it. And Rihanna's credit card stashed in my wallet, "Maybe all three?"

The lady laughed, patting me on the shoulder, "Perfect!" She led me over to the far wall, where racks of sheer fabric hung.

"This is a best seller..." she said, taking out a sheer black nightie. with a single string at the top, "You'd be surprised how many women of status come into this shop just to buy it!"

I laughed with her. "Sure, I'll try that I guess. I'm new to basically all of this."

"Bless your heart," she murmured. She eventually stopped asking for my opinion on the items she was pulling out and just put them all in a dressing room for me. I found Jen by the... toy... section.

"I'm gunna go try stuff on." I said as I passed her, walking towards the dressing room.

"Want my opinion?" she called over her shoulder.

"Um, sure? I have no idea what's going on." I admitted as the lady showed me to my room.

Jen waited outside of my dressing room as I stripped. I put on the black lace nightie and matching thong and opened the door. Of course Jen and the woman who helped me were waiting outside.

Where I BelongOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz