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I'm so sorry I haven't been posting in over a year! I got incredibly caught up in school and life, and so I'm trying to make it up to you guys! I'll try my best to crank out a few chapters in these next couple of days. Thank you to everyone, and I really appriciate all of you.

xoxo, rihannaFREAK


"RiRi!" I screamed, bouncing up and down excitedly. 

"Calm yo titties." she said, slapping my leg. We were in a limo now, being escorted to the air port.

"I'm going to Europe in a private get!" I was freaking out.

She just sat back and smiled. "Barbados first, boo."

After a minute of freaking out, I stopped. "What? Why are you looking at me?"

"Because I forget that you're not used to this life. It's... I dunno... refreshin'!" she smiled, moving her hair out of her eyes.

I grinned. "You're refereshing."

"Well, I would hope so!" she laughed. She leaned over me to look out the window. I took this opportuinity to smack her finely sculpted ass.

"Ay! Not now. We'll fuck on the plane." she laughed. "C'mon! We're here!"

"Wait what? We're going to fuck on the plane? What?" were my words as I allowed myself to be dragged from the limo.

My blonde hair whipped me in the face as we ducked under the wing of her private jet.

"C'mon!" she laughed behind her big, circular sunglasses. She put them on her head as the stairs ascended from the jet.

"Oh my God!" I was honestly dying. I tailed behind her as we entered the small plane. There were a total of twleve seats and one long vertical couch that ran the length of the plane. Fluffly, cushiony carpet was everywhere, and there were lots and lots of pillows. Everywhere.

"You've never freaked out this hard before!" RiRi laughed, lounging on the couch.

"Well this is a huge deal!" I almost screamed.

Rihanna just laughed at me. She patted the spot on the couch next to her. I practically ran next to her and snuggled up close.

She pressed her face in my hair and breathed, "Thank you for coming."

"Welcome, ladies!" a tall blonde man said, strutting into the plane.

"Scotty!" Rihanna grinned. "Ready to take on Europe?"

"Only if you are, doll!" he laughed. "Jimmy will be here soon, and we'll be all set! Are we picking up M in Florida?"

"Sounds perfect!" she grinned.

Scotty stuck his head out the door again, then came back into the plane. "Luggage is all set, m'dear."

"Thank you, Scotty! Oh, and Scotty? This is Nikki. My girlfriend." Rihanna pronounced, grinning.

"Nikki." he smiled politely, "The pleasure is mine."

I blushed scarlet, "Nice to meet you too, Scotty." 

Scotty then retreated into the cabin and we were alone again.

"Who's M?" I murmured, yawning. It was only 7 AM. The sun wasn't even out fully.

"Melissa." Ri explained. "Her family's in Barbados, too. Her cousin lives in Florida, so that's why she's out there now, and not with us."

"Ohhhh ok!" I said, "I really like her."

"I'm glad you do." she smiled, hugging me.

"Now about fucking on the plane...?" I grinned.

"God damn ya horny! We'll get to that. Don't worry. We have five hours alone together at 30,000 feet."

"Only you could make that sound sexy." I giggled.

At that time another man walked onto the plane. He was short and stout, and balding. 

"Miss Fenty." Jimmy nodded towards her.

"Jimmy!" Rihanna giggled, throwing her hands up.

He disappeared into the cabin. "He is a very formal mother fucker." Rihanna said.

"Sounded like it..." I laughed.

"Ok everybody. We're all set for take of now that Mr. Jimmy has arrived. Take a seat and get seat belted. Or don't. It doesn't matter to me as long as you don't jump out of the plane." Scotty was saying.

"Why doesn't he care?" I asked.

"Oh, they're great captains. They do their job, and we're respondible so it's all very lax here." Rihanna smiled warmly.

"Oh... Very cool," I nodded, looking around. I spotted a cooler at that point. I clamped my hand down on Rihanna's leg. "Is there alcohol in there? Because I could sure as hell use a mimosa right now."

"Yes, there is, but we only have apple juice." She said, getting up and digging through the cooler. She began preparing our drinks on the floor of the plane.

"Why thank you, my little cocktail maker." I grinned, walking over towards her. The plane was now being taxied out onto the runway.

"You're welcome, my little sex toy." she grinned, handing me my drink.

"Fuck you." I narrowed my eyes at her. 

"You will, I promise." she laughed. We were both sitting on the floor now as the plane was thrown into the air at a massive amount of speed.

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