We're Dating Now

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I emerged out of my ecstasy with a pounding heart. I felt Rihanna’s finger slide out of me slowly.

“What the fuck are you doing?” she repeated.

“Fucking…” Rihanna said quietly. She turned her head to look at the floor away from Lexie. She ran a hand through her red hair.

“No shit.” She said, her voice raising.

“Lex- why are you so mad?” I said, putting on my thong.

“I’m not, I just don’t get why you have to come home and fuck her so loudly, when you know I’m asleep in the next room!” she said, throwing her arms up.

“Lexie what the hell is this about? We both know it’s not about you fucking sleeping!” I said, my own voice raising a notch or two higher.

“I should leave…” Rihanna whispered besides me.

“No, you don’t. We’re dating now. Just, stay.” I said, turning towards her.

“We’re dating now?” she asked smiling.

“Well… that’s what I was hoping this would turn into…. I want to.” I honestly said.

“I want to, too.” Her smile grew.

“So you guys are fucking dating now? That’s just fucking great!” Lexie’s said, again returned her arms to the air. She spun on her heel and walked back into the bedroom.  “Don’t bother sleeping in here tonight!”

I stared at the shut door surprised as a knot began to form in my stomach.

“Maybe you should go…” I whispered. “Just to like, cool her down.”

“Yeah, that’s probably best. I’ll see you tomorrow?” She said, hopping off the counter to get dressed.

“Yeah, just call me.” I smiled, sliding into my bra.

“Kay.” She said, bringing me into a hug. Our bodies touched just as our lips did; quietly and briefly, with no doubt of electricity coursing through each of us.

I walked towards the door, “Sorry about that.” I jerked my thumb towards the bedroom.

“No, it’s fine. From now on we’ll just have to fuck at my place,” she smiled.

“But you’re in a hotel?” I said.

“Nik- I have a house, too!” she laughed.

“Kay.” I grinned.

“Bye,” she said, leaning in to kiss me once more.

“Bye,” I repeated when our kiss broke. She turned and walked down the hallway, and I watched her every step. Her fingers moved slightly, waving to me just before she reached the elevator. I twirled my fingers in response as I watched her disappear into the elevator, at the end of the hallway.

I shut the door and leaned on it, grinning.

“You look like your five years old with a bag full of candy.” I heard Lexie say. She was leaning in the doorway.

“What the fuck was that about?!” I said, walking towards her. She disappeared into the bedroom and I followed her.

She sat on her bed, and I sat on mine. Clicking on the lamp in between us, I noticed her eyes were puffy. She’d been crying.

“When you left, I began thinking about… us. And I thought you were going to, too, stupidly enough. But now, just, forget tonight ever happened, ok? I fucked up and I’m sorry.” She said rolling over.

“So what? You’re having second thoughts about breaking up with me? You were the one who ended it Lex- not me. If you didn’t let me go, that would’ve been you in there. I’m just trying to move on- something you can’t get mad at me over.” I said, watching her silhouette.

She never gave me a response.

I sighed and switched off the light, burying myself underneath the covers.

I laid in bed awake, unable to let my mind relax. Between the sex with Rihanna and Lexie getting so pissed over it, it was hard to cope.

I heard my phone vibrate in the other room multiple times. Someone was calling.

I rolled over and saw lexie’s body moving up and down rhythmically. I soon heard her gentle snoring, something I’d also tease her about when we were dating.

I got up slowly and walked quietly into the kitchen, where I had left my phone. I had two missed calls from Rihanna.

I dialed in her number, seven digits I loved to memorize.

“Hey,” I heard her breath into the phone.

“Hey… It’s me.” I said awkwardly. I leaned on the counter where Rihanna had been moaning only an hour ago.

“I know. So what happened with your roommate? Lexie?” she asked, sounding slightly worried.

I sighed, “She just…” It was hard to explain, “She was just remembering when we used to date and we talked about it briefly before you picked me up and she thought I’d go back to her. But I’m not, ‘cause she was the one who ended it, so I’ve moved on. And she hasn’t, I guess.”

“Wait you guys used to date?” Rihanna said immediately.

Shit. I totally forgot about not telling her about my former lover. “Yeah, we used to date.”

“And you two live together now?” she asked skeptically.

“We decided we were better off as friends. Nothings going on here.” I reassured her.

“If you say so…” she said quietly.

“I promise.” I smiled into the phone.

It was quiet on the other end. After a minute’s pause, I asked, “You still there?”

“Yeah, I’m here. I’m just thinking.” She said.

“Abooout?” I smiled.

“My girlfriend.” Rihanna said, a short laugh following her words.

My heart flipped, “So we’re really dating?”

“After knowing you for a full 24 hours, I feel it’s safe to say I know you well enough for me to fuck you on a weekly basis.” Rihanna laughed.

“Oh thanks. So I’m a fuck toy with a title attached!” I laughed quietly, eyeing the bedroom.

“No, no, no. You’re not a fuck toy, you’re my fuck toy.” She laughed.

“I feel so much better.” I smiled, rolling my eyes.

“So, I have to go to the studio tomorrow.” Rihanna said, “But maybe after you can hang at my place? Watch my crappy DVR shows?”

I laughed, “Sounds perfect. What time should I come over?”

“Anytime after five works!” she said into the phone.

“Ok, I’ll be there at 5:01.” I smiled.

“Awesome. So, I’ll let you go to bed now…” she said slowly.

“Oh, you don’t have to…” I laughed, “I wanna get to know more about you…”

“We’ll play 20 questions tomorrow.” She said, giggling slightly.

“Sounds like a plan! I’ll see you tomorrow, then.” I smiled.

“Bye Nikki.”

“Bye RiRi.”

I ended the call and walked back into the bedroom, putting my phone on the nightstand next to me.

I grinned and rolled over, facing the window.

Shutting my eyes, I began to imagine what tomorrow would bring. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard Lexie’s quiet sobs in the background. 

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