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“Bye baby,” I said, kissing Rihanna outside my car. She was leaning against the door, my keys safely clasped in her hands.

“Bye mama. Go roll over for Glamour now, ya bitch!” She laughed, opening the door.

“Yeah, yeah,” I flicked my wrist at her.


“ I heard her call before the door shut. I walked into my office building with my shoulders pressed back, my head held high.

Debbie was waiting for me in the lobby when I opened the doors.

“Nikki!” She smiled, taking me into a hug, “Congrats!”

I smiled, “Thank you so much, Debbie.”

“No problem. Now let’s getta move on, I gotta show you your office and get you situated for tomorrow. I assumed Rihanna told you?” She asked, walking with me towards the elevator.

“About Europe? Yeah, she told me last night.” I smiled, stepping into the elevator.

“Good, good. Now I’ll let Erin tell you more, but when you get to the airport I’m going to arrange your supervisor to meet you all there. She’s booked in all the same hotels as you, or close to them, just so you can collaborate, talk and edit together.” She smiled. “Heather’s a really nice girl, you’ll love her. She’s done this thousands of times, but since Rihanna is your girlfriend, we figured we could get some more intimate shots out of you.”

I smiled and nodded, “Of course.”

The elevator doors binged open, revealing the same bustling office I was in to interview.

“Now just follow me to your new office…” Debbie smiled, leading me past the room I had interviewed in.

I smiled around the room while following Debbie down the hall. My office happened to be at the end, with a view over Beverly Hills.

“Debbie, this is amazing,” I grinned as we walked into the room.

“Really? I’m glad you like it. Erin’s office is at the end of the other hall, and mine’s the one you were in yesterday. Speaking of Erin, she’ll be in soon to show you the ropes and tell you more about Europe.”

I smiled, “Thank you so much.”

“Not a problem,” Debbie smiled as she left my office.

I sat down in the white leather chair, positioned behind the smooth, black desk facing the Beverly Hills skyline.

My phone taunted me with all of its buttons and lights, so hesitantly; I picked up and pressed it to my ear. The dial tone sang to me, waiting for instructions.

I dialed in Kyle’s number taken from my cell, and hit send.

 “Hello?” Kyle spoke softly into the phone.

“Hey, it’s Nikki.” I said quietly, twirling the cord between my fingers.

“Hey Nikki! So how’d your interview go?” he asked excitedly.

“It went great. I actually got the job!” I grinned.

“Wow, that’s so amazing. I’m so happy for you! So now you’re Glamour’s bitch, eh?” he laughed.

“Why does everyone keep saying that?” I laughed, looking around the landscape of my desk.

“’Cause it’s true: you are.” He laughed.

I sighed, “I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

“So what’s your first degrading task?” he asked.

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