Shake It

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We got out of the car and Ronaldo helped us with our bags.

"Well, Robyn, have a safe flight!" he smiled as Ri fished out her wallet to pay the cab fare.

"Thank you so much! We'll be back on Friday before Cropover!" Ri smiled, hugging him. 

"See ya then, girl!" Ronaldo said as he got back into his cab.

"Les do dis!" Ri grinned, leading the way through the airport. We stood in line at security, which went by in minutes. Once we cleared security, someone met us to escort us to Rihanna's jet.

"So, ya goin' back 'ome?" the middle aged woman asked.

"Nah, Mimi, we're goin' to New York! We'll be back before Cropover though." Ri assured her.

"Oh good, good! I was gonna say it wouldn't be Cropovah without ya! And ya looked so beautiful last night." Mimi smiled, placing a hand on Ri's shoulder.

"Thank ya." Ri smiled, "But I think Nikki 'ere looked betta."

"Ah, Nikki! Nice to meet ya face ta face. I heard a lot about ya last night!" Mimi smiled across Rihanna to me.

I smiled awkwardly, "Hopefully all good!"

"Ah, yes child. Yes, yes, yes, all wonderful. Mainly that ya stole Robyn's heart." Mimi said, her voice dropping off on the last three words.

I grinned, "Yeah, guess I did." I nudged Ri with my elbow.

"Well, here we are ladies! A car'll take ya out onto the runway!" Mimi said as she held open a door for us that led outside, "Have a safe flight!"

"Thank ya, Mimi!!" Ri smiled as she went through the door.

"Thank you." I said, following Ri.

A black Jeep was waiting for us when we cleared another door and were deposited outside on the runway.

"Robyn Fenty?" someone asked.

"Yessir!" Ri smiled,"Dat's me."

"You're chariot awaits," he smiled. He was an older guy, probably around Gran Gran Dolly's age.

We climbed into the Jeep and rode off towards Ri's jet, which was the only plane in the area.

"So, where ya headed?" he asked as we approached her jet.

"New York." Ri smiled, taking off her sunglasses.

"Oh fancy! Cropover's Friday though, ya know." he continued.

"We'll be back in time fo' tha' festival!" Ri assured him as he stopped next to her plane. "Thank you!"

We got out of the Jeep and Jimmy greeted us.

"So, sudden trip to New York sound about right?" he smiled, gesturing towards the stairs that led into the jet.

"Sounds about right." I giggled as I ran up the stairs.

I heard Ri laugh at Jimmy, "Isn't she cute?"

Ri followed behind me up the stairs and Jimmy followed her.

"We'll take off in about five minutes," he smiled, retreating into the cockpit. "Once your luggage is all situated."

"Thanks Jimmy!" Ri called from her seat. She was facing me, but was backwards to Jimmy.

"So, I have rehearsal all day tomorrow..." Ri said, clicking her seat belt together. "And I don't know if they'll let outsiders watch. So I can hook ya up with Jen and ma credit card and ya can go shop?" She was smiling desperately.

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