The Years

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 Book: The years

Genre: fanfiction

Author: MMAgirl2

Cover:7/10 Try to get someone with a cover shop to add your username and your title. Maybe even find a picture of someone who looks like lauren to put on your cover. To make it more appealing. Add some details that make people stop and stare and can't wait to start reading.

Book rating: I rate this book a 3/10. Some parts are not realistic like since we know the oc never existed try to make it so we never know her because she had to leave hogwarts because her family was sick. Or something then she came back. So it's more realistic.

Like Fred and Lauren kisses and their first years. First years are 11 years old but because Fred and George were born in April they are 12 while Lauren is estimated to be 11. YOu don't date or kiss at that age. In reality only like 2 people in real life do. 

 Another thing I noticed was you switched from one thing to another really quickly with no use of details of how it happened. You will say something that ended dinner. Then she went to bed. Nothing about how she went to her room. Or what she was thinking. Or if she wasn't thinking anything. Just say something like Her mind was clear and empty nothing to dwell over or think about. SHe was just waiting for sleep to overcome her.

Also try to go back to your chapters and edit. You need correct punctuation. I should always be capitalized no matter what. The first letter that starts a sentences should be capitalized too. Don't forget names too. Paragraphs should be indented which you can do by hitting the space key. 

Please don't take this personal this is meant to help you not hurt you. 

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