Raging shadows

102 4 18

Book: Raging Shadows

Genre: Fanfiction

Author: Some_Random_Demigod

Title: I rate this title a 10/10. It's just a amazing title it sounds interesting and the reader wants to rip open the book to see what's inside. 

Description:  I rate this description a 10/10. The description is really interested you reveal another to keep the reader interested when it hasn't even started the book yet.

Cover: I love how you include all the main characters on the cover. But yet you include the most important detail that ties to your story's plot. The cloaked figures. You also have you title and you aurthur name. I rate this cover a 10/10.

Story rating: I rate this story a 10/10 no spelling or grammar mistakes that I could see. You have paragraphs and their indented. YOu have so much detail it's amazing. You have such a good plot it keeps the reader on the edge of their seat every chapter. The story is dark and mysterious but yet you still put in humor I love it. 

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