Only Human

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Title: Only Human

Genre: Fanfiction, sci fi, romance 

Author: KatieWeasley394



I rate this cover a 10/10

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I rate this cover a 10/10. I really love your cover. It's very vibrant and it gets my attention. I like the background and like the script of code thing. It looks really cool all blended together.

Your cover has the title and your name and it relates to to the plot so it succeeds every criteria a cover should have. I like how it has a person a code of script and a rose I love how there's a lot of detail and not just one plain picture. 

I really like it. There's not anything that should be fixed. 


"If you want to go home so badly, why haven't you taken the blue pill yet?"




Kate knew from the moment she was taken in the black car that her life would change. But she didn't forsee exactly how it would change. 

How could she? How could anyone?We're all in control our own fate, right? Well what if we aren't?

 What if none of this is real? What if you're being controlled from birth til death, but you have no clue about any of it?Is ignorance really bliss? Let's see how deep this rabbit hole goes.

[[The Matrix Fanfiction]]

I rate this description a10/10.

I love it. It grabbed my attention from the first sentence and made me want to dive right in and begin reading. Your description is a perfect size and it truly relates to your plot and book. The way you worded what you were going to say makes the description look very mature and real.

 I really like how your first sentence you made something up that would just hook me because of how intriguing and sounded and you did just that.  

Just like your cover there's nothing in your description that I see wrong except the fact that my computer is saying you didn't spell foresee right you missed an e. I'm not sure if you spelled it right where you're from i'm not sure. My computer also says til need another l and so does every dictionary i'm looking at. 

Rating of Book: I rate this book a 10/10.

It was really interesting and very well written. I liked how instead of rushing all the action in you slowly progressed to the action which many people don't do. The key thing of writing any book is making sure you never rush anything. Don't rush the plot, love story, character development or anything. 

I've never seen the Matrix but your book was still good and the good thing was that I didn't have to watch The Matrix to read your book I still could understand it.

Your writing is so mature it blow my mind you're a really great writer. I only ran into maybe one writing mistake but it was hardly noticeable. I liked how you emotionally connected us to your characters. 

For example: When Kate was trapped in the van you didn't  just say she was sad and she cried. You explained to us and document everything she was feeling. 

There's nothing I know that you can improve on and I didn't see any mistakes. You did everything a book should have. 

You made a love story, you made it interesting, full of action and many other things that kept me hooked.

Just the way you wrote certain scenes kept me really hooked and wanting to read chapter by chapter and never stop. 

Most people are unable to write good action scenes or many other scenes but yours were for of detail and it was amazing for me too read. 

There's nothing you need to improve on. Seriously, you're a fabulous writer. Keep it up and you should be crystal clear. 


Word Count: 633

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