made in the usa(chapter 6)

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writers note-hey guys still sick:(but school tomorrow ugh!I hope yours are liking the story?I'm into sure no one is letting me no please comment and tell me I'm really thinking about stopping writing it let me no..please vote..x


once we got back to the hotel it was after 6 the concert started soon so we got ready I wore black skinnys and a black top..Rachel wore leggings and a long sleeved top with the words cool story bro on the front.

after we were ready we headed to the concert in the car "I really can't wait I've always wanted to see you live"Rachel said excitedly I giggled and blushed we arrived at the venue and I gave Rachel her backstage pass.we went backstage with Max of course and I started to warm my vocals up.

The clock hit 7 and I was about to go on stage "DEMI DEMI DEMI" my fans cheered I walked out on stage and the room filled with cheers "Thank you Ireland!" I started with made in the USA.

( Rachel)

demi is so awesome live I've been backstage all night watching and once in awhile shed take a glance at me and smile.

the concert was nearly over but there was one more song"this is for my little skyscraper I love you so much!"she looked at me a blew me a kiss I blushed and she started signing. when the song was over I started to cry and couldn't stop.

"thank you Ireland and remember stay strong"demi shouted before tackling me with I hug "I love you baby"she whispered in my ear sending shivers down my back."we have meet and greet then back to the hotel"demi said with a grin

we got to meet and greet demi pulled me beside her. a few girls came and went not Evan noticing me which I was totally cool with there meeting freaking Demis Lovato.but then this one girl came she had long brown hair and hazel eyes she gave demi a smile and also smiled at me which was the first time someone has this past hour "hi I'm holly" she said sweetly she was so dam skinny.she gave demi a hug but as she did the bracelets she was wearing slid down her arm I seen all her cuts she seen that I saw and give me a look not to tell demi.

she asked for a picture with demi "of course sweety" demi said "um can your skyscraper be in it" demi giggled and pulled me over we got a picture and she asked me my proper name "rachel"I said giggling "would you follow me on twitter demi??" she said nervously "of course what's your name"demi said "um @crazylovatic" she giggled out m and demi joined her giggling "what's your twitter name Rachel?"she said nervously "@dayumdemi"I blurred out forgetting demi was there all we did was laugh.after Holly's time was up we said bye "bye demi bye Rachel nice meeting you both".

when we got back to the hotel I went straight to my phone and followed holly I also got a couple of notifications from demi @ddlovato followed you. @ddlovato great night love you Ireland @ddlovato love my little skyscraper I giggled knowing it was about me I sat my phone down "great concert demi I loved every minute!" I said sleepy "glad you enjoyed it bab..she was cut of by my phone beeping "someone's popular'demi giggled I checked my phone @crazylovatic follows you a huge grin appeared on my face "who's it from"demi sang out "oh just you an that girl holly we met"I said "you liked her didn't you" I froze "what?"I said "you two would make great friends"demi said demi was right I did like her but I never like her as a friend I like liked her.I haven't told demi I'm bisexual yet because everyone hates me and finds me disgusting after I tell them but I will soon..I carried on on my phone when I new i had to tell her "demi can I talk to you about something"I say nervously.


"demi can I talk to you about something"Rachel said nervously my head shot up straight away "of course baby girl what's up"I tried to sound sweet "its just I haven't told you something about me another part about why I was getting bullied" she said sadly I knew she was hiding something "okay baby what is it"I say rubbing her back "I'm..I'm bisexual"she shouted out I froze in shock then came back to reality "I'm glad you could tell me"I smiled "are you not guna run everyone else dose"she said sadly "why would I"I said confused "I'm disgusting everyone thinks so"she said sounding disgusted "rach baby nothing will change my few on you sexualitys just a label it doesn't change who you are"I said sweetly "so you don't hate me?"she said happy'ly I pulled her in for a hug "of course i don't your my baby"we sat I'm a hug for like 5 minutes

"there something else"Rachel blurred can't be bad please be good I thought to myself "okay what is it?"I say curiously "that girl holly well I really likes her"I giggled "aww you have a crush"she sang "so what and if you have never had a crush I'm sure you fancied Joe before going out with him"she said seriously I really hate Joe getting brought up into things he really hurt me "Rachel I was messing Joe really hurt me please don't talk about him to me"I said sounding hurt "I'm sorry dem" "its okay"I say "well let's change into our PJs "okay"

I got changed and lay on the bed Rachel went to get changed while she was I went on twitter typed in @crazylovatic in to the search bar and went on to Holly's account this girl was a hard core lovatic I looked and some of her tweets @crazeylovatic OMFG just meet my idol ahabsbdh" @crazylovatic DEMI album is amazing after retweeting and few and following her I noticed a tweet @crazylovatic I love demi!!#bisexualandnotjustfordemi! she was bisexual too!time for making love!! I went to  DM her @ddlovato hey holly wanna come over to my hotel tomorrow and hang out with. me and Rachel?

@crazylovatic! ahsbahdb yeah!!diffently

@ddlovatic okay come to the merchant hotel room 136 at 2 tomorrow see you then and don't tell nobody!x

@crazylovatic I promise I won't see you then!xx

I clicked of twitter when Rachel came out of the bathroom we smuggled up "night rach love you"I whispered kissing her forehead "night dem love you too" she whispered and we fell asleep..

writer-make sure you let me know if you want me to continue the story..please vote..x

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