You havnt got nothing on me (chapter 42)

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thinking of deleting this not sure..x


After demi Told me that I was going to meet her family I couldn't think start what if they don't like me? I'd lose demi.

I tried to push all the negative thoughts out of my head while me and demi where finishing breakfast.

"so what you wanna do today?"demi asked taking a sip of her coffee God that girl loves her coffee she drinks it 24/7 she's addicted I smirked to my self and guess demi seen "what's funny?"she asked confused.

"oh nothing"I laughed "come on tell me" she whined "fine I was just thinking about how addicted you are to coffee!"I burst out in laughter "yea yea shh I love it more than anything in the world!"demi said crossing her arms so I thought I'd mess with her a bit.

"oh so more than me?"I asked pouting acting hurt "well.."she carried on and I got up from the table still messing but pretending to be hurt "c'mon baby I was messing "dem called after me.

I sat on the couch in the small cosy living room of the cottage and put my head in my ands pretending to cry and heard footsteps so I started sniffling "baby I was on- oh my god are you crying babygirl I didn't mean it I'm sorry I love you more than coffee im way more addicted to you than to it!"she said babbling on while hugging my back.

"babe I'm really so so sorry I love you to the moon and back!no further to another universe and back"she kept babbling on until I jumped and screamed "April fools!!"I stuck my tongue  out at her she looked really shocked.

" you sneaky wee bitch I'll get you back"demi tried and failed at her attempt of a threat which made me laugh harder "oh so I'm funny?"she asked standing up and walking over to me "hilarious!"I laughed out she ran over to the table grabbed something and ran up the stairs of the cottage.

once I had followed her up she had locked her self into one of the different bedrooms! "babe what are you doing?" I asked "are you missing something Rachel?"she based giggling I didn't catch on for a few minutes until I cheeked my pockets my phone!I always keep it on me.

"demi give me my phone!"I said serious all I heard was laughter but I wasn't joking anymore "demi give me my phone! this isn't funny"I shouted pounding my fist on the door.

"chill rach Ill be out in a sec"she told me just then the door clicked unlocked and I walked in were demi and her gigantic grin was standing I grabbed my phone out of her hands and unlocked it thank god she wasn't on my messages! I had a load of twitter notifications.

so I cheecked it!.


I have the best girlfriend in the world I love her so much that I proposed!I love you demi!Xx.


happiest girl alive I love you to rach!Xx

I turned round laughing "you didn't"I couldn't believe it "but I did don't worry its only an April fools but we can tell them that later let's go cuddle and watch movies?"demi suggested "yeah okay!"


me and Rachel have been cuddling for most of the day but i havent really been concentrating on the films im wondering why the hell Rachel reacted like that about me taking her phone.

what's she got to hide? pictures? call log? maybe she's been backstabbing me   or planning to break up with me or worse talking to someone like Lauren! what if she's cheating on me?.

I have no idea what to do its really starting to worry me! I don't want to break up but I do want to know if she's cheating on me!.

"babe you alright?"Rachel asked "never better" I smiled "well I back in a few just popping to the loo"she kissed my forehead "hey that rhymed"she laughed and walked of.

thats when I seen her phone and couldn't resist! I lifted her phone and unlocked it knowing her password was 1992 of course! I went on to the message to an unknown nobody and I was in complete shock!.

"Demi?" Rachel shouted and grabbed her phone I was just staring at her in complete shock "why Rachel?"I was numb.

cliff hanger....

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