heart attack (chapter 13 part 2)

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I forgot a couple of details in the last couple so this is just demi reading Rachel's diary it will be short so sorry..pleas vote..x


as I leave I get into the car "demi its about an hour drive so do something to entertain yourself"Max told me but I knew exactly what I was going to do while I have little time awau from Rachel I hooked through my bag and picked out her diary I had taken from her room when we went to collect her things.

I don't mean to be noisy but now that Rachel has agreed to let me help her with her problems I need to see or a least read how she feels what she's keeping from me so I begin on a random date and day..

Monday 12 may

dear diary

today again was awful first thing was I woke up to my dad yelling at Me to make him breakfast I did as told but yet again I like with a fat lip...I get to school but the hate dosnt stop at home Lindsay of course gave me her glares her sniggers and her punches but on the bright side if there is one I met this really cute boy called Dylan he is supper nice..

29 may

dear diary

I staying in a b&b last night to get away from my dad he was really badly drunk last night..and its Saturday so I'm not in school :) the b&bs nice and a least I'm alone to cut as I please I have now 24 cuts on my left leg and 7 on the right 13 on my wrists I no I shouldn't have started but it controlls you I cant stop but..Dylan took me out for dinner last night he is so nice I think I'm falling for him but I didn't enjoy it last night I had to go to the toliets twice to throw up.

demi lovato!saved me.!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin