Two worlds collide ( chapter 40)

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guys I'm so so sorry my mind is blank I've no idea what to write my writers block is so bad.. and..I've no internet so.. sorry! please vote.x


once we got inside the cottage I was starring in aw for a small cottage in a forest it was big bigger than my house is Ireland "demi its beautiful"I told her "you already said that"she laughed "yea but wow"I told her and she laughed again

demi walked up the stairs so I followed she walked down the small hall and entered the room at the end of it when I walked in demi was starting to unpack the room was lovely with a king size bed and a balcony with a bunch of lovely colourful flowers on the bed side.

"are you going help or stare at the room all day?"demi smirked "sorry its just so lovely" I told her embarrassed "aww my babygirls blushing"demi smirked walking over to me "shhh"I shhed her bowing my head "hey don't hide your blush from me your beautiful"she smiled lifted my head up with her finger.

she leaned in to kiss me but stopped midway when her phone started vibrating "uggh"she huffed "sorry its Maddie I have to take this"she apologised to me "its fine go ahead I'll finish unpacking"I told her walking over to the bags while she left the room to take the call.



M- hey dems

D- hey baby girl what's up?

M- I just miss you

D- aww Maddie I miss you too but we both know thats not why you called

M- awk demi you know me so well I just want to meet your girlfriend

D- well baby girl we are in England for the weekend but how about I fly you Dallas mum dad and marrisa   out for my first concert and you guys can meet her??

M- oh my god really yeaaaa!!!

D- okay I'll ask Natalie to sort it out

M- okay bye demi love you

D- love you too baby girl bye

(**Natalie is like demis manager/assistant**)

after I text Natalie to book my family their tickets I walked back into the room were I found a sleeping Rachel she looks so cute I didn't want to wake her.

I got changed into my PJs and snuggled in beside her were i feel asleep.

demi lovato!saved me.!Where stories live. Discover now