(Chapter 43)

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okay guys I just want to give a huge apology to you ino I don't update often but it's because I either have no time or writers block bit here it goes..please vote x

I was in complete shock I didn't know what to do except stare at her "why rach? Why didn't you tell me?" I asked so confused of why she would hide this.

" Because this weekend was supposed to be about us our relationship" she stated but I stood up of the couch to be eye level with her " Rachel these Emails go back around two weeks ago?" I told her

" I just didn't know what to say and I still don't you had no right invading my privacy!" She told me with anger in her tone. " I can't believe you went through this without anyone knowing why wouldn't you talk to me?" I asked looking her in the eye where tears were forming.

"We were fighting a lot and when I got the messages my mind shut down for a couple a days before I met chad" "Wait what dose chad have to do with this?" I asked " well that day when I met him I talked to him about it he's the only other person who knows" she told me simply

"So you could talk to a complete stranger but not your girlfriend?" I asked quite annoyed " Please Demi don't fight, this weekends about us!" She raised her head "Why can't you talk to me about it?" I asked her

"I don't want to" she mumbled " you have to Rach!"i raised my voice " you shouldn't Evan know you shouldn't have been going threw my phone!" She raised her voice higher " you weren't going to tell me?" I asked stunned I was about to turn and walk away when a whimper left her mouth.

That's when I realised how selfish I was being and how hurt she must be feeling keeping this in side for the past two weeks trying to pretend she's happy and everything's fine when really it isn't.

I ran up and embraced her in a hug while she silently cried on my shoulder " shh baby it's okay I'm here" I whispered into her ear when her head raised while drying her eyes.

"No Demi this weekends about us! I don't want to talk or think or hear about this anymore at least until this weekends over okay?"she looked at me with hope in her eyes.

I can't let her keep this on her mind I'm making her talk to me about it! I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the couch into a hug " baby I want you to talk to me about it" I told her sternly

She tried to wiggly out of our embrace but I was stronger " Fine" she sighed in defeat "what you wanna know?" she asked me looking down.

I put my finger under her chin I made her look at me " for starters how you feel?" I asked kissing her forehead.

"Well ino I should feel glad but I feel sad he was my father after all but after all the abuse he gave me mentally and physically I thought I'd be glad of this day but really I have just lost my father and now I have no family what so ever" she sighed putting her head in her hands

"Hey of course your going to feel sad he was your father after all before your mom and brother past away think of all the good memories to celebrate his life not the bad" I told her trying to calm her.

" No!!" she said jumping up " no way in hell am I celebrating that mans life! he has made my life a living hell since my mom and brother died he Doesn't deserve my love or thoughts he was a wicked man who deserves to rot!" She told me through gritted teeth

I was slightly shocked at this but at least she's showing me her feelings "babe this is okay if this is how you feel but he can't hurt you now he won't! your safe!" I told her

"Yeah I no and I'm really sorry that this ruined our weekend" she said with saddened eyes " baby girl it hasn't the weekends just begun there's just one more thing?" I said carefully

"Yea? what's that?" she asked " can you read out the whole email I only skimmed through it?" I asked delicately she looked scared but lifted her phone

Miss Rachel McDowell

It with great regrets that I have to inform you of your fathers death.

At 10:37 last night your father was found in his cell with string around his neck it's in my deep regrets that I have to inform you that he your father has taken his own life.

It's short to say the police have come of the conclusion that after his life sentence was put in order he had planned this.

Has your father was due to serve a life sentence for , Child abuse, forced intimacy and drug use.

Our deepest regards
The chef of police
Police unit northland Ireland

McDowell is Rachel's mothers maiden name and his death was the 27th or march it's now the 12th of April (in the story)

I was shocked suicide!! all I could do was hug Rachel while she sat there numb.


After a while of hugging I looked at the clock it was just past ten " hey" I smiled " wanna go for a nap then do what ever you have planned?" I asked Demi studied my face for a few seconds before agreeing "sure" she smiled as she dragged me to our room for a nap.

Yes of course I'm upset because of my fathers death but. Right now in this moment Demi was my life and I wanted nothing but happiness all my life and Demi brings it to me I love her with all of my life I would die before seeing her unhappy but my dad? he brung me nothing but misery so yeah It may be a death but my life's just beginning with Demi

Don't worry it's not the end;)

Anyway it may be a bit confusing but what it means is that she is upset that her dad died but she rather be happy with Demi and the rest if her life than to be unhappy with the memories her dad brought

Anyway let me know what you think:)

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