Chapter 45

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I'm so so sorry guys I know I haven't updated this in forever, anyway here's another chapter..

Btw I'm going to see demi!!! At the end of the year I am so excited!!!!!



I woke up with the sun shinning through the window I smiled to myself and plopped back down on the pillow,

I turned to find the bed empty so I got up and made my way down stairs, to find demi over the stove cooking breakfast.

I tiptoed in to the kitchen up behind her and rapped my arms around her waist which made her jump "rach don't do that"she scowled "sorry" I laughed she turned round and kissed my nose.

"I made you breakfast"she smiled "I can see and smell that"i giggled "sit down at the table I'll bring it to you"she told me I made my way over to the table as she brung two plates with eggs and bacon on it,

I'm stomach turned but I knew I could get through it "so I thought when we are in Dallas because of the tour we could spend the weekend at my parents and you can meet the family"she smiled I nodded "you know I'm actually more excited than nervous now"i smiled taking a sip of my orange juice.

"Is that because you got laid"she laughed shoving a fork full of eggs into her mouth while I chocked on my juice "demi"i. Frowned "I'm joking" she held her arms up in defence "im going to go pack"i smiled as she grabbed my wrist and pulled me back down.

"Eat I was going playing"she told me sternly. "I know you were but I have to pack"she shook her head "I packed everything and loaded it all into the car"she smiled "so eat" she pointed to my food and I groaned

eating picks of my food once I was done and demi was happy she took our plates and loaded them into the dish washer "I guess it's time to go them"i sighed

"Yep sorry babe"she kissed my cheek.

"It's fine at least I get to see lauren" I grinned to myself knowing it would make demi jealous "that's what your looking forward to?"she asked a bit pissed

I nodded grinning "I really missed her this weekend" I told her "well maybe you should take her on your next weekend away"she told me getting into the car and slamming the door

I started laughing getting into the car "I'm joking babe" I laughed "I really don't find you funny"demi turned to me "well that was your pay back for the laid joke"i told her poking her check for her to turn her head and bit my finger

"Ouch" I pulled my finger back "that really hurt" I told h'r seriously she lifted my hand and kissed my finger "all better" I smiled as she turned and started the car,

A long journey back and we are back on the bus "rach" I heard someone shout I turned to see Lauren I smiled and ran to her and embraced her in a hug "hey"she smiled "missed me?"i asked "well yeah and no"she told me

I faked a hurt "no I mean Iv kinda started a relationship"she told me I clapped my hands "who who tell me Lauren" I babbled on "camila"she mumbled "really"i screeched "shh" she shh'd me "it's a secret okay?" she tells me I nod

"Well I'm going to the bus I'm tired " she tells me " me too" I agree I get on the bus and Lauren lies beside Camila on the couch at the front "goodnight camren" I whisper and they both smile at me.

I walk to the back to find a sleeping demi with all the travelling she's bound to me so tired.

I crept in behind her and kissed he neck "night dems I love you" I whispered "I love you too" she grabs me and hugs me from behind and that is how we fall asleep.

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