Stop the world(chapter 36)

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so hey guys i know that the chapters have been crap im kinda having writers block. Soooo if you guys have any suggestions comment or mail me...please vote...x

 P.S this is the first chapter iv done on my Laptop so bare with...x


so i had to do whatever it took to get to talk to Rachel and if that means lock her in and seem crazy....then im crazy. "rach please dont go" i cried sliding my back down the door "well i kinda cant youv locked me in" she told me sliding her back down the wall opposite the door so we were face to face. "why are you leaving rachel?" i asked she just looked at me staring in sadness. "Demi all we are doing is fighting arguing, we cant trust each other, we never spend time together  and we get jealous way too much that dosnt sound like a good relationship dose it?" she asked "no but thats the bad parts rach what about  the good parts? like how much we love each other?, enjoy each others company Rachel i love you so much the tour dosnt start for 3 weeks." i told her 

"and?" she asked "i can book a week away somewhere sunny and private please Rachel just give us a second chance please?" i asked begging she looked at me nervously "demi.."she started but i butted in "please if you loved me or still did please"i looked her in the eye "okay we can give it a go"she told me slightly smiling i stood up and so did she.

i walked over to her and hugged her she stiffened but soon hugged me back i cant believe she was going to end us i actually cant picture life without her..


i do love demi with all my heart and thats why i said yes to the week away, but i still think its a bad idea but for her i would do anything. once we had finished unpacking my suitcase she unlocked the door and we went to sit at the front of the bus no knowing Ally,Lauren and Dinah were there.

i sat down beside lauren and handed her, her keys "thanks but i dont need them anymore" i whispered in her ear and handed her the keys."im so board can we not do something?" Dinah asked "well theres a beach a couple of minute aways and its only coming up to half 2?" Demi Announced "yes yes yes" Ally scremed "okay meet you all out side in 20 minutes"demi told everyone and with that they all ran of the bus to the hotel to get changed.

me and Demi stayed on the bus since we havnt went to the hotel yet. i wasnt really in the mood for the beach "dems is it okay if i stay here"i asked her she turned lookin sad "what why?"she asked "i just dont like Beach's"i told her "we don have to go into the water"she explained to me  i looked away "thats not why i dont want to go" i mumbled "then why"she asked making me look at her "because if i go ill have to wear shorts and if i wear shorts the girls will see my scars"i told her looking down at my feet "hey baby girl"she told me lifting my chin "you are beautiful with your battle scars and evan if they see them they will understand and not talk about it okay?"she told me i looked in her eyes and nodded my head 

"okay so babe you coming with us?"she asked hopefully "yeah of course" i told her so after  we got changed and ready for the beach we met everyone out side who was already there. "hey about time"ally squealed excitedly.."lets go"demi told us and we all got into her managers car.

The car ride was about 20 minutes long and once we got there it wasnt to packed but demi and the girls still had to disguise themselves by putting on sunglasses and hats. On the beach we lay down towels nd sunbathed.

After abou half an hour "hey we're going into the water yous coming"Dinah asked me and Ally we both shook our heads "okie dokie" with that Lauren,Dinah and Demi went down into the water. "so you excited for the tour?" Ally asked "yea well im not doing anything but itll be amazing"i told her while standing up to get my bag "can you sing"Ally asked "no not really"i told her "C'mon everyone can sing"she told me giggling i laughed walking back with my bag i noticed Ally looking at my legs then she made eye contact with me.

"rachel im sorry"she told me "no its fine hey im going to go for a walk kay?"i told her uncomfortably "yea sure you okay were should i tell demi you've went to?" she asked "yea im fine and just tell her a walk" i stated and walked away. i kept walking until the beach was out of site and found a little cafe. i went in and ordered and coffe once i sat down a boy walked in he was quit tall,wearing black skinny jeans with a grey v neck top with his hear shaggy.

he noticed me looking and smirked which made me look away.once we ordered he walked over to my table and sat down."hey"he smiled "hi"i told him shyly "im chad and you are?" he asked with his eyebrow raised "Rachel"i told him taking a sip of my coffee "your not from around here are you?"he asked "well no Im originally from Ireland then moved to LA"i told him "then what you doing here in jersey"he asked "vacation"i lied i couldn't tell a only met stranger about demi.

we just chatted for a couple of hours..


I was in the water with Dinah and Lauren i looked a Rachel and Ally laughing at something so i carried goofy of with the girls when i looked at them again Rachel wasn't there so i got out of the water and went up to Ally " Hey wheres Rachel?" i asked she looked guilty "she said she was going a walk"she told me "why where to?" i asked "i kinda noticed a couple of scars but i didnt say anything then she said she was going a walk i asked were and she just aid a walk im sorry demi"i pleaded "its fine Ally just let her have time to her self"i said trying to calm her down evan tho i was super worried but i knew she needed time to herself..

2 Hours Later...

I have left like 20 missed calls and 30 messages she hasnt answered at all its 5oClock and we are all back at the hotel right now im sitting in our hotel room trying to get threw to her..

Hey its Rachel leave a message..

ugggh!!! where the hell is she??


Me and Chad have been getting to know each other hes a really nice guy,he is 22 hes studying music his dad owns a record label and he has a twin sister. "so are you meeting up with your boyfriend"he asking "well actually."i was about to tell him i had a girlfriend when i felt my bag move. "hold on"i told him reaching in and grabbing my phone crap! 22 missed calls and 37 messages all from Demi.i slid the screen across to answer.


D-Rachel were the hell are you youv been gone nearly 3 hours iv been so worried

R-Hey im sorry i lost track of time ill come back now okay?

D-Okay see you soon bye

and with that she hung up opps i seriously didnt mean to be 3 hours better get going then. "hey i gota go back to the hotel now but it was nice meeting you"i smiled standing up "can i give you a ride?which hotel are you staying at?"he offered "if your sure?and the mama-mason" i told him "yea C'mon"

once we got in his black fisker we set of."this is such a sweet car"i told him "shes my baby"he told me i laughed "she?"i asked "yeah cher"he said with a seriously face "you name your cars?"i asked holding in laughter "yeah"he told me and i couldnt keep it in i bursted out in laughter "hey you laugh at cher you walk home"he warned me messing about i put my hands up "okay okay sorry"that's when we pulled up at the hotel.

"hey that chick Demi Lovoto is staying here" he told me "Lovato"i corrected "anyway can i have your number in case your in town again?"he asked i hesitated at first then gave in and gave it to him hugged him goodnight i went upstairs to a very VERY pissed Demi....

demi lovato!saved me.!Where stories live. Discover now