Chapter One: The Discovery

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I can't believe it's only been three years. So much has changed. As I sit here on the front porch of my cabin with the girl of my dreams, I find myself looking back at the journey that brought me here. Tears well up in my eyes as I think about loved ones lost.  The one violently taken from me, and the one that lost her wayIt still hurts so much.

But I've gained new friends along my journey as well.  They've been by my side as I fought battles I never wanted to fight just because I'm different. I'm Telekinetic, a Mover they call me.  I can move objects using only my thoughts and I've been hunted just because of it.

Looking down at this beautiful sleeping angel leaning against me I feel love like I've never felt.  If it wasn't for her I wouldn't even be here. In a way, I guess it was Destiny. I sigh.  Destiny, that's a name I'll never forget.

As I wipe my tears I can't help but smile as I think back to where it all began, to the day that changed my life, forever...

March 15, 2013

I've spent my birthday alone at my house watching TV. My mom, Christine Richards, is working a twelve hour shift at the hospital.  Before she left I felt her kiss me on the forehead and whisper "I'm sorry."  I just kept my eyes shut until I heard my door close.  I don't know why I did that.  I know that when you're an ER nurse days off are hard to come by. 

I'm lying on the couch bored to death when my phone rings.  Seeing the name, 'Sheila Summers," I can't help but smile.  She's been my best friend for as far back as I can remember. When no one else was there, Sheila was.


"Hey, what's going on?"

"Oh just lying here wishing I was anywhere else."

She laughs, "Well, I'm at the ball park. Come on out and join me. We can be bored together."

"Anything beats this. I'll meet you in a few." Hanging up I bolt out of the house.

Entering the gates of the park I see her at a picnic table off to the side of the baseball field.  She notices me and smiles and as I sit down beside her she hugs me and pulls out a card.

"Happy birthday Kyle!"

I put on a fake smile and take it, "Gee, thanks."  Her grin fades a little.

"We'll you're in a good mood today."  Seeing her disappointment. I shake my head.

"I'm sorry.  It's just that spending today alone has..." I'm interrupted by the crack of a broken bat and I see a baseball hurling towards us.  It hits the ground and bounces straight at Sheila.  Out of instinct I throw out my hand trying to protect her and that's when it happens. The ball stops in mid air.

We're both astonished as it hovers, slowly tumbling a foot from my hand.  After a few seconds it falls to the ground. We turn to each other but remain silent; neither knowing what to say.

"Hey," we're both startled. "Can you throw me the ball?" A kid shouts.

Picking it up I look at it closely expecting to find a string or something attached but find it's just an ordinary baseball.  "Hey, remember me?" The kid shouts jarring me back to reality. 

THE HUNTED ONE  (A Story of Telekinesis) [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now