Chapter Twenty Seven: A Ghost of My Past

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A couple of days later we arrive back in Oregon.  I carry our suitcases in and Sarah begins to unpack. 

"I'm going to see Maxwell." 

"Alright, I'll be with you in a minute."

After knocking on his office door I go inside. Maxwell's sitting behind his desk, "Please sit down Kyle and tell me how was your trip." 

"Well, I went to help find closure and I found trouble." 

Maxwell looks concerned, "What happened?"

"Well, you're not going to believe me... but I think I was attacked by a ghost..."

"As you can see, I'm not laughing."

"Neither am I Maxwell... neither am I..."

After explaining everything that occurred Maxwell leans back in his chair in deep thought. 

"Do you believe this man was actually your father?" 

"I don't know what to believe. I was so young when the accident happened.  I can barely remember him and I don't remember anything strange from my early childhood." I stare into space for a moment. "I was always told my father was dead.  What if this man is him and if he is, where has he been and why did he attack us?"

"Let's see what we can find out."  We get up and as we're walking out of the room, Sarah joins us as we head to Beth's office. 

We go inside and I explain what happened.  Maxwell asks her to research my fathers accident. 

"Beth I know you're busy, but can you see what you can find?"

"Of course. Give me an hour and I'll see what I can dig up," she looks at me. "Sorry, I didn't mean it to sound like that."

A little later...

Sarah, Sheila and I are sitting on the front porch of my cabin talking as we're called back to Maxwell's office.  Beth's already inside as we sit down. 

Beth begins, "I've pulled up everything I can find on the accident.  According to the actual crash report, your father swerved off the road and plunged down a bluff roughly two hundred feet down to the bottom of a hollow where the vehicle exploded.  The report also states the car burned at an extreme temperature, more intense than it should have.  The investigators for the fire department couldn't account for this and a body was never recovered.  It was assumed it was turned to ashes." 

She looks at me, "I'm sorry Kyle if I was too graphic." 

"It's alright Beth. After seeing what I did at the cemetery I just want some answers."

Maxwell holds his hands together in deep thought, "With this information, we still can't say for sure what actually happened."

"Well, what do we do?"  I ask.

Maxwell leans up in his chair, "At this point, there isn't much we can do.  I knew it was a risk when you decided to go back home, but I knew you needed to.  You had to find some peace over all that has happened.  I thought you might be watched, but I certainly didn't expect this.  We'll just have to be patient and stay away from Greenville for a while until we find more answers."

Over the next few weeks we've kept a low profile staying on or at least near our compound.  Sheila has enrolled in a local college under a false ID Maxwell has come up with and I've stayed on the property helping John practice with his ability.  He's making good progress, slowly getting stronger. 

I've been practicing as well, learning to do more without using my emotions... But for some reason though, I still can't pick a lock...

One morning, Maxwell calls a meeting... "Beth's team has found a video on the internet," he picks up his remote and plays it on the main screen. " Everyone watch closely..." It's the video of a street camera and it shows a girl that was walking across the street not paying attention. A car turns the corner and is about to hit her when she appears to be yanked backwards out of the street by an invisible force, and hits a newspaper stand. 

The girl passes out and several people rush to her... curiously except for one girl just inside the camera's view.   She just stops, turns and walks away like nothing happened. 

Maxwell points to the blond walking away, "We need to find this person before the Special Unit does. Sarah, If you don't mind go with Beth and see if you can get a current location on her."

Sarah gives me a quick kiss, "I'll be back in a few minutes."

John stands, "I'll go ahead and gas up the SUV."

Maxwell nods, "Thank you John."

As we wait, Maxwell and I have a talk, "How have you been sleeping lately?"

"Not very well.  I'm still having the same nightmares... reliving that night over and over again.  I'll wake up suddenly and several items in my room will be levitating and before I can do anything it all falls crashing down," I shake my head. "Sarah has stopped trying to replace breakables. I can't help feeling responsible for my Mother's death." 

Maxwell nods, "Kyle, sometimes things happen that we can't control or prevent.  The agents killed your Mother, you didn't. Sarah told me everything that happened. You did everything you could at the time." 

"I know, and that's what I keep telling myself, but I still feel responsible.  If it wasn't for me having this gift or curse," I look up at him. "She would be alive today." 

Maxwell remains silent in thought, then begins, "You are the person that you are supposed to be, nothing more, nothing less.  What happened was not your fault.  I believe that we have our gift's for a reason.  I don't pretend to know exactly what that is, but I do know we need you here.  Make something positive out of your Mother's death.  Help us to rescue others before the Special Unit finds them and something similar happens to their families." 

I think about what Maxwell has said and make my decision. "You're right.  I'll help you anyway I can.  I owe you that," standing up my anger begins to show. "And I promise you this... Somehow, one day, I will bring the Special Unit down."

Maxwell just sits in silence, hands folded, staring at me...

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