Chapter Eight: Kyle Meets the Enemy

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As the SUV and the van pull away Sarah races back to the old factory and reports to Maxwell what has happened.  He shakes his head, pulls out his cell phone and dials a number as they walk to their car.  Someone answers, "We have a problem. Kyle's been taken. Get the team together and stand ready."  They get into their SUV and speed away. 

Maxwell turns to Sarah and nods.  She closes her eyes and begins to concentrate.  Her vision is blurry but it begins to slowly clear.  She sees the inside of a white van and Kyle strapped down to a gurney.  He appears to be unconscious.  There's a man sitting beside him.  It's Dr. Keller watching his prisoner.  Her vision backs away to the outside of the van, seemingly looking down at both vehicles as they move down the road. 

"I can see them."  She says as she continues to watch...  They turn onto a side road and pass a sign, 'Franklin County Airport.'  The vehicles pass through a gate and pull up to hanger 5. 

Keller gets out and checks his watch and turns to his men, "We have an hour before our plane arrives.  Go to your posts."  The men scatter and take up look out positions around the hanger.

Sarah snaps out of her vision and tells Maxwell everything.  He nods, "This is what were going to do."

At the airport, after midnight...

As I slowly begin to wake up, I see Dr. Keller sitting beside me.  Still drugged I raise my head trying to think clearly...

"Where am I?" 

He smiles.  "You're safe. You're now in Federal Custody." 

That's when I remember everything that happened. Trying to get up I find myself restrained.  I Try to use my ability but nothing happens. Fighting my restraints I look up at Dr. Keller. 

He smiles, "Don't waist your energy.  I've had plenty of experience dealing with your kind before."  He points to a small device that has two small antennas on it. "This will keep you in check until we reach our destination." 

Laying there helpless, I stare at him, "Why?" I think about my Mother. "What did you have to kill her!" I shout.

"Your mother knew what you could do and knew what I looked like. By the sound of your voice I could tell you weren't going to take my offer, so I had to take steps," he leans over me. "In a way, it's your fault your Mother is dead."

"She didn't know anything! You killed her for nothing." I shout as my tears fall.

"Well, If that's true, then I'm deeply sorry," an evil grin appears on his face.

I stare at him gritting my teeth, "When I get free I'm going to kill you."

He pats my shoulder and sits back down, "I don't think so my young friend." I fight furiously at my restraints until I run out of breath...

He smiles, "Now that you've calmed down I can answer your first question, why... People like you are not natural and should not exist.  There have been several incidents over the years where your kind have committed horrible crimes and innocent people have lost their lives.  My department is here to stop this from happening." 

"I haven't hurt anyone!  I saved that girl when she jumped out of the window.  I didn't hurt her," I shout.

He nods, "I know you saved her, but it was just a matter of time before you did hurt someone.  Remember the man you killed at your house when you threw him out the window?  Remember the boy at school you gave a concussion to?" He leans in close, "You are dangerous." 

"He just killed my mother! I was protecting myself.  And at school I didn't have full control of my ability.  I've learned to control it now with Sheila's help."  I freaked. I didn't mean to mention Sheila. 

"Oh yes, your friend.  She knows way too much about you. We will have to deal with her as well."  As I think about his threats and my Mom's lifeless face, my anger builds again. 

I stare at him once again, "I promise... You will regret taking my Mother from me tonight." 

He looks at me and shakes his head, "Save your threats.  I've heard them many times before. In a few hours you will be in a cage for the rest of your short life."

Dr. Keller gets up and looks at his watch, "They're late," he says thinking about the plane.  He turns to look at me and checks to make sure I'm properly secured. He smiles as he steps out of the van and closes the door. 

I think about my Mom as I pull furiously at my restraints, but of course I can't get free.  I stare at them, concentrating as hard as I can and still nothing happens.  I lie there helpless, as tears fall down my cheek, thinking about what's happened.

"They've killed my Mom, captured me, and now Sheila's in danger... and it's all because Cassie caught me on video saving the life of a twelve year old girl..."

Dr. Keller walks over to an agent standing beside the van, "Where's the plane?"

"It's been delayed about thirty minutes due to weather sir," The agent answers.

Dr. Keller nods. About that time one of his men flies through the air and lands on the ground in front of them. They hear another cry out in pain.  They pull their handguns and take a defensive stance. That's when both men are thrown backwards hitting the side of the van knocking the guard out and the breath out of Keller.

As Keller stands, he's staring at his own handgun floating in the air pointing at his nose. A man in his late thirties is about ten feet from him, keeping the gun pointed at him.  Keller watches as a young woman runs out of the darkness to the back of the van.

I'm lying there restrained, unable to do anything, as I hear a commotion outside. I feel something hit the van and suddenly the back door opens. IT'S SARAH!

"Oh thank God!" I say as she quickly unbuckles my restraints and helps me up.

"Come on, we've got to go."  We head out of the back of the van and Sarah puts my arm around her to help me walk. I look over my shoulder at Keller, and he smiles...

"This isn't over Kyle. I'll have you and your friends in a cage very soon."

"I wish I had recovered enough to wipe that smile off his face." I think... It seemed like someone must have read my mind because just before I turned my head, the gun that was floating in front of his face hits him and he falls to the ground.

Sarah and her friend help me walk behind the hanger to the back of the property. We pass through a fence, down to where an SUV is waiting.   We all get inside and leave in a hurry.  I'm still very weak as I try to sit up and catch my breath.  I look at Sarah and those beautiful blue eyes, "Thank you for saving me..."

She smiles, "Well next time, maybe you'll listen to me."

Maxwell is sitting in the front passenger seat and turns to face me, "Welcome back, and try to get some rest. You have been through a lot."

"What about," my voice cracks, "my Mother?" I already know the answer... but I have to ask.

He pauses for a moment, "I'm sorry Kyle. She's gone. Emergency services are at your house. They're handling the situation as best they can." I just can't believe this is happening. A few hours ago I had a Mother and my best friend beside me. Now...

I think about Sheila and remember the threat Keller made. I tell Maxwell about it and he nods, "Relax. We'll handle it.  You're among friends now."

With that said, I lie down in the back seat with my head in Sarah's lap.  I look up at her and she looks like an angel.  As she smiles at me a tear falls down her cheek. She tries her best to comfort me as I think about everything that's happened. My thoughts turn back to my Mom, as tears flow freely down my face... Looking up at Sarah the drug begins to take control... and darkness claims me once again...

THE HUNTED ONE  (A Story of Telekinesis) [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now