Chapter Six: Strangers in Town

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It was a few days later and after all that had happened I had almost forgot about Sheila leaving for school today.  I can't really believe it. We've been so close for so long...  The thought of not seeing her everyday ties knots in my stomach.

As I arrive at the bus stop Mary is leaving and I wave to her as she drives away. Making my way through the crowd...  I find Sheila.  She smiles and sits her bags down, "I thought you had forgotten."  We hug one another for a moment... not saying a word.

Letting go, I force a smile, "I'm sorry I was late."

She smiles, "It's OK.  I should've known you would show up at the last minute."  We both chuckle.

She takes my hand, "Try to stay out of trouble." She leans in close and whispers in my ear, "And try to stay off of YouTube."

I laugh and shake my head, "You know me."

She jabs me in the stomach, "That's what I'm afraid of!"

We both laugh...

"If you need to talk about anything, call me day or night," she says trying to hold it back.

"Yeah, I will."

I stare at the ground for a moment, then look back up, "I'm really going to miss you."

She smiles a little, "Me too."

Sheila has a tear falling down her cheek as we give each other one last hug. "Sheila.  Hurry up and say goodbye to your boyfriend.  It's time to go," someone yells from the bus.

We both look at each other and laugh.  She wipes her tears, "Guess I've got to go.." 

I grin, "Yeah, I know... Call me when you get settled." 

"I will." She turns and boards the bus.  As it pulls away I see her wave from the window.  After it's out of sight I start walking for home...

"Things are really going to be different nowI'm alone once again..."

I'm walking home from the bus stop in my own little world when I bump into Cassie.  "Oh, hello Kyle.  I'm sorry I didn't even see you."

"Yeah... right," I think as I stare at her. 

"Did you see the house fire last week.  I called Sheila to tell her about it."

Crossing my arms I stare at her, "Yeah I know and I also know about a certain video you posted."

"Oh, yes.. Did you see what happened!" She pulls her phone out and holds it up, "I got it all."  She steps closer to me, "Especially the part where you saved that girl," she whispers and smiles evilly, "Now everyone will believe me."

I'm starting to get mad and suddenly the screen on her phone breaks.  She gasps, "What the..."  Her surprise turns to anger, "You did this didn't you?"

Grinning, I shake my head, "You've aways had a very good imagination Cassie."

She groans and pushes past me as she goes on her way.  I can't help but laugh to myself as I watch her go... 

As I start to turn around I notice a black SUV with dark windows sitting in the street not moving.  They had to see our little exchange so I decide it's time to move on.

As I continue walking toward home I notice it's driving slowly behind me. At first I think maybe they're just lost until I turn down my street, and it does too. I do a one-eighty and start walking the opposite direction. The SUV drives on as I turn the corner again.

THE HUNTED ONE  (A Story of Telekinesis) [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now