Chapter Nine: Kyle's New Home

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An agent runs over to the van where Keller, shaken, is trying to stand.

"How long have I been out?" 

"I'm not sure sir.  You and your men were all down when we got off the plane." 

Dr. Keller feels his head where he was hit, "Was anyone killed?" 

"No sir." 

"Good. Get everyone on their feet and get them and our equipment inside the plane. We've still got a job to do." 

The agents move to each man getting them up and gather up everything and load it all on the plane.  Keller standing on the ramp as the planes engines roar to life and takes one last look around.  He curses, hits the ramp support with his hand, and enters the plane as the ramp closes...

Somewhere in the Midwest...

Slowly, very slowly, I begin to wake up.  Everything looks blurry. As my eyes begin to focus I think I see an IV in my arm.  Looking over beside me I see Sarah sitting reading a book.  She notices me and smiles, "Hey, you're finally awake. I was beginning to worry," she lays her book down. "You've been out for a day and a half." 

I take a deep breath, "Where are we?" 

"You're safe. We're at a small ranch in Nevada, out in the middle of nowhere really, away from prying eyes." 

Then another woman walks in.  She checks my vitals and takes out the IV. 

"Kyle, this is Karen Winters.  She's been keeping an eye on you since we arrived."

"It's nice to meet you Kyle and welcome to our little family."

"It's nice to meet you too, and thanks for getting me back on my feet." 

"It was my pleasure. If you need anything, don't be afraid to ask," she smiles at both of us. "I'll see you later."  She turns and walks out the door. 

Slowly I sit up and realize I'm only wearing boxers and their not mine.  Sarah sees my embarrassment and laughs. "The rest of your new clothes are in the locker."  She points at it in the corner across the room. 

I smile, "Can I have a little privacy?"  Sarah just sits there, slyly looking at me. 

I smile, "Alright girl, two can play this game." 

I hold my hand out toward the locker.  With my thoughts I open the doors and I levitate my new clothes over to me.  Sarah watches and laughs, "Who do you think helped get you undressed, cleaned up, and into bed?" 

I shake my head smiling, "Whatever."  I finish getting dressed as Sarah grins as she watches me.

Sarah shows me out the main door into the bright sunshine.  After my eyes adjust, we begin to walk around, "We have three main buildings here and several small cabins.  From the outside they all look run down and that's on purpose.  But from the inside they're all neat and tidy."

We continue to walk around until we reach the back side of the property.  "This area is used for training and it's mostly used by Movers like you."  There are several different items laying around in a few different areas.  Another area has a wall with what appears to be bullet holes in it. 

"Is this some sort of firing range?" I ask.

"Yeah, kind of.  In this area an advanced Mover can learn to stop bullets."

I'm stunned... "You've got to be kidding." 

"No, it's for real.  I haven't seen anyone do it, but I've heard about it.  Everyone here has a gift of some type and are at different levels of development.  Some Movers here can only move light objects while a few are like you." 

Walking up to the wall I feel the bullet holes.  It's hard for me to believe someone would stand out there and let someone else shoot at them, but then again...

Sarah leads me down into the woods to where there's a creek and a few people swimming.  She notices I'm still a little weak and we sit down to rest underneath a tree.  We sit quietly for a moment and my mind returns to my Mother...

Sarah turns to me, "I'm so sorry about what happened," I turn to look at her. "I was outside your house alone waiting for your lights to go out so I could get your attention.  When the agents came I didn't have a weapon," A tear falls. "All I could do was listen and watch what was happening.  I called 911 but it was too late.  They had you and the damage was done."

Turning to stare at the ground everything that happened flashes through my mind... "Sarah, it wasn't your fault.  If I had been honest with her about my gift maybe none of this would have happened."  Suddenly, tears begin to fall down my face.

Sarah puts her arms around me, "It's alright Kyle go ahead and let it out.  I'm here..."  As she holds me, I can't help but let it go...

A few minutes later I've regained my composure...

I turn to her, "Thank you for all you've done and for being here with me."

She smiles and holds my hand as we look into each others eyes and share a kiss.  Opening my eyes I continue staring at this beautiful blue eyed Angel looking back at me...

She stands and pulls me up onto my feet, "Come on.  I think it's time we got back.  Maxwell will be wondering where we are."

As we complete our walk around the property we arrive back to the ranch and go inside the main building.  Maxwell's standing in the hall and notices us, "Kyle, there you are.  How are you feeling?"

I glance at Sarah, "I'm a little better.  Sarah has been showing me around."

He looks at her and nods, "I'm glad," we begin walking down the hall. "Well, what do you think?"

As I start to answer I look into one of the rooms and see a few people sitting at computers and my curiosity gets the better of me, "What's going on in there?"

"Kyle, this is where we use the internet to help locate special people like you that have gained unwanted attention," we follow him inside. "This is how we found you." One of the girls turn around briefly, and continues with her work.

I think about that for a moment, "How many different kinds of gifted people are there?" 

Maxwell explains, "There are Watchers like Sarah who can project themselves mentally, and see things that are currently happening at distant locations.  There are Pyro's who have the ability to create and control fire," then he looks at me, "And of course then there's people who are Telekinetic called Movers like you," he places his hand on my shoulder, "But I have to admit, I've never seen anyone with your level of ability so young and without any professional training."

"Tomorrow morning if you feel up to it, we'll begin testing you to see first hand just how powerful you are and what you can really do."  I look around and suddenly realize everyone in the room has stopped what they were doing, and are staring at me...

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