Chapter Thirty Six: To Go or Not to Go

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Wednesday... Maxwell's compound...

It's the next morning and we're all in Maxwell's office and Beth is speaking...

"I've found some information. Caitlin's Father's name is William Bryant. That part was easy. The medical files are protected, but I was able to find out what we needed," she turns to me. "Kyle, I'm sorry... but you were right. William, is dying. He has a large brain tumor and has less than three months to live."

I nod, "It's alright. He stopped being my Father long ago," I wipe away a tear I was hiding. "At least before long he won't be around to hurt anyone anymore." Sarah puts her arm around me. She knows all this is bothering me more than I'm letting on.

"Well, now we know why he has reappeared. The next question is, what should we do?" asks Maxwell.

"If he's planning to attack the Special Unit's facility, should we try to stop him? I mean, they're our enemies too," asks John.

"John brings up a valid point.  If William is successful there might not be a Special Unit anymore," I think.

"Well, it's true John that they're our enemies, and it's also true it might stop them for a while. But I think they would come back more powerful, more determined than ever. They would probably use it as an excuse to double their efforts on capturing Paranormals. I believe they would view us all as a domestic terrorist threat whether we have committed a crime or not," answers Maxwell.

"Beth told me the building is shared by another agency on the ground floor. In an attack those people will probably die as well. So... what do we do?" I ask.

Maxwell leans back in his chair, hands together, "I believe it comes down between two options. One, warn the Special Unit of the possibility of an attack from William on their building. Second, we go there and try to stop him ourselves... Protect the very people that hunt us." Everyone looks around at each other considering his words...

"I don't think the Special Unit could stop him even if we did warn them," I look up glancing at everyone. "I think Maxwell's right. We'll be hunted without mercy if William succeeds."

Standing up I shake my head, "I don't think we have a choice.  We have to go." Everyone looks at me. Their stunned over my decision, especially after the history I have with Keller... 

Maxwell nods, "I'm reluctantly forced to agree with Kyle," everyone turns toward him. "We go." Everyone exchanges a glance and it's easy to see doubt and fear on their faces...

Maxwell stands up, "It's decided. Let's get a team ready and I want volunteers only. We leave in two hours." Everyone gets up and heads for the door.

"Karen, Beth, a moment please, "Maxwell asks and they walk up to his desk.

"I'm leaving the two of you in charge. If you don't hear from me by 5:00 p.m. on Friday... move out. You'll have to continue our work without us," he says and hands Karen the keys...

Special Unit Operation Center... New Jersey...

Dr Keller is in his office going over a map of Greenville, TN. and the surrounding counties. He now has a team within thirty minutes of the town. So far, there hasn't been any reports of Kyle or William in the area. His phone rings and he answers. It's his superiors telling him they want him at the Huntsville, Alabama facility for the meeting on Friday. They want a full report of everything he has on William.

"Yes sir. I'll be there." He hangs up. He's still thinking about William and trying to figure out why he resurfaced now. He thinks about the armored car video. It was like he wanted to be seen. His secretary brings in some paperwork for his upcoming meeting. He opens the folder and leans back in his chair.  "What are you up to William?"

Greenville, Tennessee...

William wakes Caitlin up. "We have to go, now." Caitlin jumps up and gets dressed. She makes her way out of her room to where there's a van and a SUV waiting. William's men are packing up all their gear and weapons into the vehicles. William sees Caitlin and tells her to get in the SUV. She gets in the back and William and his driver get in as well. They open the bay doors and quickly head out.

As they turn and head out of town, Caitlin thinks about her Mother...

She leans up, "Where's Mom?"

William turns to her, "I've sent her ahead of us in another vehicle."

"Why are we leaving so quickly and where are we going?"

"The Special Unit is in the area looking for both of us. I have to get you to safety."

Special Unit Operations Center... An hour later....

Dr Keller receives a call. "Sir, this is Agent White. We've found a warehouse we believe was used by William on the outskirts of Greenville."

"What evidence do you have?"

"We've found Caitlin's Mother. She's dead sir. By the looks of it her neck was broken. There's also a message written on the wall. It reads 'Keller' written in red." 

Keller curses. "Keep looking.  They have to be somewhere in the area." He slams the phone down and leans back in his chair. "Just missed you by a few hours," he whispers to himself...

Just outside Huntsville, Alabama...

William and his men have arrived at their safe house. It's out in the country about thirty minutes from the Special Units building.  They unpack only the essential items they need for an overnight stay.

Caitlin has looked around the house and the property. There's no third vehicle here, and she can't find her Mom...

She walks up to William, "Where's Mom. I've looked everywhere and I can't find her."

He puts his arm around her. "Let's go for a walk."   They start to walk away from the house up a small hill. As they do William remains silent and this makes Caitlin very nervous. They arrive on top of a hill and he turns to her...

"I'm sorry I had to lie to you Caitlin, but I needed to get you out of there quickly. I needed to get you to safety." She's scared now and William can feel the hair rise up on his arms from the energy in the air.

He takes a breath, "Something has happened to Leslie," Caitlin is now shaking. "Our security cameras captured what happened. An agent found the warehouse and as he was reporting in your mother turned the corner and saw him. She heard what he was saying and jumped him. There was a struggle," he grabs her by both shoulders. "He escaped before we knew what had happened. That's why we left so quickly." Caitlin is trembling and has tears streaming down her face. "I'm truly sorry. But your mother's neck was broken. The agent killed her."

Caitlin falls to her knees and screams as a burst of energy leaves her body in all directions knocking down everything within fifty feet.  William was prepared, but was still knocked down by the force of her energy. 

He slowly raises up and sees Caitlin still on her knees crying hysterically. He smiles to himself, "She's more powerful than I could have possibly dreamed." He gets up, walks over to her, drops to his knees, and he tries to comfort his poor daughter...

So many twists and turns... Will William be successful in brainwashing Caitlin... Thoughts anyone...


THE HUNTED ONE  (A Story of Telekinesis) [ Completed ]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن