Chapter Seventeen: The Meeting

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After John and I receive a long lecture from Maxwell on gun safety we all arrive back at his office and go inside.  Karen sets up a table and we gather around it.  Maxwell brings out a map of a close up satellite view of the facility.  As we begin to study it Beth (one of the computer techs) walks in and brings us blueprints of each floor of the building. 

"How did you get these?" I ask.

"If I do enough digging I can usually find anything I need off the internet.  That's why I'm here." 

"Thank you and I'm glad you're not afraid of me anymore." 

She rolls her eyes and grins, "Let's just say that the jury is still out on that one." I smile and return to the maps. 

We study them and mark the gates, building entrances, the stairway, and the elevator.  Flipping over to the next one we study the blueprint of the basement.  There's only one entrance to the main room and it's from the stairway.  Beth points out the long hallway down the middle with four rooms on either side.  Each is numbered one through eight.

Sarah turns to me, "Room number eight is where I saw Sheila."  I nod taking note of the location.  The door to the office opens and a woman with red hair walks in. 

"Hello Tracey.  I'm glad you're back.  Everyone, Tracey's the person I had at Sheila's school."  She walks up to the table and notices me staring at her.

She turns toward me, "You must be Kyle.  I'm sorry that I let her walk to class early without me.  I've let you down I know, but I'm here to try and make up for that failure." 

I study her for a moment... "It wasn't your fault.  It's mine and we'll take all the help we can get." 

She smiles leans against the table, "So, what's the plan..."

It takes the rest of the afternoon to come up with one.  Maxwell has called his contact for that area. He explains to us that it will be tomorrow before the vehicles and equipment will be in place and ready. 

He looks at everyone, "We'll gather out front at 6 a.m. for a final briefing before we leave."

Quickly I look at Maxwell, "I just remembered something," everyone turns toward me. "When Keller had me strapped down in the van I couldn't use my ability." 

"That's because you were drugged," Maxwell replies.

I shake my head, "It wasn't just that, Keller had a small device inside the van with two antennas on it." 

"What makes you think that had anything to do with it?"  John asks.

"Because Keller bragged about it.  He pointed at the device and said it would keep me in check until we reached our destination."  Everyone looks at each other considering my words.

Beth thinks about it.  "If this is true, depending on the range of the device and how many he has, our plan may be in jeopardy." 

"Is there any way to find out more about this device?"  Maxwell asks.

Beth walks toward the window in thought, "It would be difficult. I would have to break into the Federal Special Units data base, and then I'm not sure I could find the information," she turns to Maxwell, "It would be dangerous as well.  They may be able to trace my hack back here." 

I think about what she said and what that means, "Beth, please don't," surprised everyone looks at me. "All of you are too important and help too many others for this place to be discovered.  I can't let you risk it all for two people." 

Maxwell takes a deep breath, "Well, we either hold up, wait to see if Beth can find out more information, or we go ahead as planned."

We all look at each other.  I can see on their faces that everyone has serious doubts about the plan, and to be honest with myself, so do I. 

He turns to Beth, "Gather any information you can find even if it's theoretical about such a device without hacking into their servers. We'll discuss everything you find at the six a.m. briefing.  Then we'll decide."  With that the meeting breaks up.

After the meeting Beth gets my attention. "Please come to my office.  I've got some questions." 

We enter her office and sit down and she asks me all about the device.  I explain what it looked like giving her the approximate height, length and depth of it and the length of the antennas.  She punches some numbers into her computer. 

She picks up the phone and calls Karen.  "Hey it's me. Look up John and Kyle's frequencies when they were tested," she writes down a couple of numbers, "Thanks Karen," and she hangs up. "Both of you are about 1.6 gigahertz." She does some more math, then leans back in her chair and looks at me, "It fits."  She grabs her phone and calls Maxwell, "It's Beth. I've been doing some calculations with Kyle's help and I believe that the devices effective range is only about ten feet given the information I now have."

Maxwell leans back in his chair and smiles, "Excellent work. We'll tell everyone at the six a.m. meeting."

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