Chapter Thirteen: The Abduction

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The same day I was tested...

Agent White has returned to the Special Unit Operations compound.  He goes to Dr Keller's office, knocks on the door and goes inside. 

"Do you have a report?"  Keller asks.

Agent White sits down, looking a little nervous. "Yes sir. I went to Miss Summer's school and talked with her.  At first, she admitted to knowing Kyle but claimed she didn't know anything about his ability.  I showed her the videos and had to threaten her to get the truth. She finally admitted to knowing about Kyle's ability but claimed not to know where he was." 

Dr Keller nods, "We've been monitoring her cell phone activity and I figured as much." He changes the subject. "I've just came from a meeting with the council.  They've given me permission to go ahead with my plan to force Kyle out into the open," he leans up, smiling. "Get a small team ready... Miss Summers is about to become our guest..."

The next day...

Sheila had gotten up early and was headed for her next class without Tracey.  Since she recovered from her talk with agent White she's been trying to call Kyle. Each agonizing call goes straight to voicemail. She's worried beyond belief, and feels she has betrayed him by breaking down in front of the agent...

Her mother had finally called last night on a pre-paid phone. Mary told her that she had not called earlier because she had also been paid a visit by an agent.  Her mother had confirmed at least in part what the agent had told her. There was an incident at Kyle's house, his mother had been killed, and he was missing. Detective Walker with the sheriffs department had paid her Mother a visit and was looking into the incident as well. He promised Mary he would do everything in his power to find Kyle, and find Christine's killer. He felt he owed Kyle everything after he saved his little girl.

As Sheila walks to class her thoughts are on Kyle and everything that has happened. She was almost to the point of breaking down again when she turns a corner and is startled.   There's a man standing a few feet in front of her and by the looks of him she knows he doesn't belong at the school. 

"I have a bad feeling about this."  She begins slowly backing up not taking her eyes off him...  He begins to step forward and she turns and runs around the corner of the building.  As she does, she runs right into Tracey. 

"Oh thank God its you! There's a man around the corner and I know he's after me."  Tracey smiles and quickly sticks a needle into her neck injecting her. Sheila stares at her in shock, "Tracey... What are you doin..." as the drug begins to take effect a tear falls as she looks at her not believing her betrayal... as the darkness quickly takes her away.  Agent White walks up behind her and helps to catch Sheila as she falls. 

He nods to Tracey, "Good job. She didn't even have a chance to scream."  Tracey and the two men carry her quickly behind a building and put her into a waiting van. 

Agent White turns to her, "Wait two hours, then make your call, and make sure it sounds convincing. One more thing, make sure you follow the plan exactly. Contact Keller when it's time," he grabs both of her shoulders. "Everything rests with you."

She nods, " Yes sir." She watches Agent White get in the van, and he quickly drives away...

Agent White pulls out his cell and dials a number, "Dr. Keller, we have her and are in route to the destination."

"Did you have any problems?"

"No sir.  No one saw us and Tracey did exactly as she was told.  It seems your training methods have improved."

Keller smiles, "Just get her to the facility.  I'll meet you there in a couple hours."  Keller hangs up his cell and leans back looking out the window of his private jet.

"The plan is going along as scheduled.  Soon I'll have Kyle in a cage with the rest of his new friends..."

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