Chapter Fifteen: She Meets Her Captor

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Lakeview, California Jackson Federal Research Facility...

Sheila begins to come to. She slowly sits up, looks around the room, and realizes what's happened. Standing up she staggers to the door and hits her hands against it screaming...

"Let me out of here! Can anyone hear me..." she pounds on the door again. "Please... Let me out!"

Keller, sitting in behind his desk is watching on his monitor as Agent White walks in. Keller places the feed on the main screen hanging on the wall. Agent White stops and begins to watch.

"This one definitely has spirit," White remarks.

"Yes she does." He mutes the volume as Agent White sits down. "Has Tracey made her phone call?"

"Yes sir, it's been done."

"Very well. As soon as her next assignment is complete we should have more than enough information to get the green light from the council to move against Maxwell," he turns back to the screen. "This simple girl could be the key to his networks downfall." He stands and buttons his jacket, "I think it's time to meet our guest and see if we can find out a little more about Kyle Richards..."

Sheila's Cell...

After a few minutes, she stops hitting the door. Knowing it's no use, she returns to her bed and sits back down. As she begins to cry, the door to her cell opens and a tall man walks in.

As he looks at her and she can see evil in his smile. "Hello Miss Summers. My name is Dr Keller."

Sheila looks at him with fear, "Why have you kidnapped me? Why am I here?"

She backs up on her bed as he sits down beside her, "You're here because I need you here. You and Kyle Richards are very close, aren't you?" Sheila just stares at him.  "You know what he can do. He's very dangerous and we need to take him into custody."

"I've heard all this before," she shouts back. "Kyle's not dangerous.  He's just a guy with a unique gift trying to live his life.  He saved that girl at the fire.  He didn't hurt her." 

Dr Keller stares at her and leans in close, "He has already killed one of my agents." Sheila looks shocked.

"You're lying."

With satisfaction, he leans back and smiles, "No. I'm afraid not."

"I know Kyle and I don't believe you." She shakes her head, "But even If he did I'm sure it was in self defense. He was probably trying to protect himself or someone else." 

"Nevertheless, he is dangerous."

Sheila stares at him for a moment, then it hits her why she's here, "You're using me as bait, aren't you?"

He smiles, "You're very clever Miss Summers. You will remain here as my guest until Kyle is in our custody," he leans in close, "or he's dead."

Sheila stares at him, terrified.  Dr Keller stands up, and nods to her, "Until then, if you need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask. Good day Miss Summers." He turns toward the door...

"You killed his Mother, didn't you?" She says softly.

He turns back to her, "She knew too much and had to be eliminated."

"You're wrong. Kyle never told her about his gift. You killed her for nothing," a tear falls as she thinks about his las words. "What are you going to do with me?"

He smiles at her, "As I said before you're a smart girl. I believe you already know." He continues out of her cell and locks the door...

Sheila sits on her bed staring at the door thinking about everything that was said. "The fire at Kyle's house..If he did kill someone that's when it must have happened. They must have tried to capture him."  She continues thinking, "He's right, Kyle will come for me." A tear falls as she closes her eyes. "I'm going to be the reason he loses his life... and then... I'll lose mine..." She puts her head down on her knees, and begins to cry...

Dr Keller returns to his temporary office on the top floor. He checks his computer to see if all the security cameras are working. Satisfied, he calls agent White. He answers, "As you know, the trap is set. I want everyone on site armed and as invisible as possible. I want every man to have a type two taser. We'll take him alive if we can. If not, instruct them to shoot to kill. Now it's just a waiting game."

"Yes sir. I'll see to it." Agent White hangs up the phone.

Keller stares at the monitor showing the feed from Sheila's cell. He watches as Sheila sits on her bed crying.

He smiles to himself, "Kyle, I'm waiting..."

Poor Sheila... The trap is set... Will Kyle save her, or will Keller win...

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