Chapter Thirty One: Her Training Begins

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I arrive back at our compound after Sheila's picked me up from returning the rental.  She tells me Sarah is with Caitlin in her cabin.  She's still out from the drug, but Karen thinks she'll wake up anytime.  We arrive, go inside the cabin and Sarah is instantly in my arms. 

We kiss, "I should be mad at you.  But since you made it back in one piece, I guess I'll have to forgive you." 

I smile. "Thanks, and it's good to see you too."  We hear a moan and notice Caitlin's coming around. 

I turn to Sheila, "Go get Maxwell." She turns and rushes out of the door.

I stand at the foot of her bed while Sarah stands beside her.  She stretches and takes a deep breath.  Her eyes lock on me and it startles her wide awake. 

She sits up quickly, backing up against the head of her bed.

"Hey, it's OK.  You're safe now. Everything's alright," Sarah says trying to calm her down. She does a little, then Maxwell comes in. 

He looks at her and nods. "Hello Caitlin. My name is Maxwell.  I think you've already met Kyle and Sarah."

She looks at us, then back to Maxwell, "Where am I?  Why have you kidnapped me?"

"We didn't kidnap you. Actually, we rescued you from the people who were kidnapping you." 

She looks confused, "Am I a prisoner?" 

"No, you're not. What's the last thing you rememberer?" 

She thinks for a moment, "I was attacked in my apartment by two or was it three men." 

"Three and that's correct.  You used your ability to fight off one agent, but the second one drugged you." 

She remains silent for moment, "Agent?  What are you talking about?  Who are you people?  How do you know about me?" 

After Maxwell explains everything to her she seems to relax a little.  Maxwell and I walk over to his office so Caitlin can get dressed.  While we wait I tell him about what happened on the road. 

"Is that all he said?"  Maxwell asks.

"Yeah, then someone took a shot at me. I turned to see where it came from, and when I turned back he was gone." 

Maxwell seems to be in deep thought for a moment. "It's disturbing that he knew where we were going to be.  If he was with the Special Unit, I would think he would've been at her apartment with the other agents," he considers this for a minute. "Still, we can't rule it out altogether.  We simply don't have enough pieces to the puzzle."

Sarah and Caitlin walk in and Maxwell stands, "Ladies please sit down." 

They do and Caitlin's eyes rest on me again. "When can I go back home?"

"You may leave anytime you wish.  You're not a prisoner, but I would advise against it.  Those agents know about you and your ability. They will most certainly be watching your apartment," Maxwell says.

Sarah gently takes her hand, "You're safe here.  You're not out there."

Maxwell leans up, "Stay with us for a week.  If you still feel you need to go, you can."  Caitlin hesitates, but she's also curious.

"Alright... One week." 

Maxwell smiles, "Thank you.  And while you're here you can get to know everyone and learn more about your gift."

Over the next few days Sarah and Karen show Caitlin around and they do some testing of her ability.  They tell her she's not a witch, she is simply Telekinetic, a Mover.  She's somewhat like I was when I first discovered my ability. 

The next morning Karen calls me to her office.  Knocking on her door I hear, "Come in Kyle."  I do and sit down. 

"Kyle, I need a favor."

"Anything I can do for you I will."

"Caitlin's tests show she has a low level of ability.  However, by the video I've seen and by what you and Sarah have told me, she's more powerful than the test suggest.  I would really like you to work with her.  I know you're more powerful when you use your emotions. Maybe you can help her." 

I think about it for a moment. "I'll try if that's what you want, but I think she's afraid of me."  Karen smiles. "Everyone was afraid of you for a while, remember?"  I grin and slowly nod my head.

A few minutes later...

Karen brings Caitlin in to where I'm waiting.  We're in one of the indoor testing rooms.  Karen explains that I'll be working with her today.  She looks at me and plops down in a seat at the table across from where I'm sitting.

"I'll see you in a few hours," Karen says and leaves the room. 

She looks at me, smacking her gum. "Alright, so now what do we do." 

"Attitude huh." 

"The first thing we'll do is get rid of your gum."  She blows a bubble and pops it.  I lean back and look at her... waiting...

"Fine."  She takes it out of her mouth and sticks it on the table.  I point to the garbage can in the corner.  She shakes her head and starts to grab the gum. 

Quickly , I grab her hand, "Not with your hand, use your thoughts." She just looks at me and I let go, "Just try." She looks down at it and nothing happens. 

"Clear your mind, focus on the gum and concentrate. Try to erase all doubt. Just think about it lifting up."  She looks at it again and still nothing happens. 

"Look, I can't do it.  I can't move anything unless I'm frightened." 

I nod, "I was the same way when I first started." 

She shakes her head. "I've spent hours trying to move things in my apartment. I can't. OK?" She leans back in her chair.

"That's because of the doubts you have about yourself." Looking down at the gum and using my thoughts I lift it into the air.  I have her full attention now. She watches intently as I levitate it over to the trash and drop it in.  She turns back to me quickly.

"I promise that if you'll really try, and listen to what I teach you, that you will be able to do that before this day is out."  

She looks stunned by my words, "Alright. Tell me what to do..."

After working with her all day she's managed to lift a coin about six inches off the table. As she continues to concentrate, the coin slowly flips in the air.  Karen walks in the door, Caitlin loses her concentration and it falls to the table. 

I laugh, "See, I told you that you could do it." 

Karen smiles, "Well done indeed."

"Yeah, but it took me all day, and I can just barely lift it." 

"It's a good start and you did it without being afraid," I say.

"He's right.  If you keep working hard you'll be lifting cars like Kyle before you know it." 

She quickly turns back to me staring, "You can lift a car?"  I smile and lean back in my chair. Caitlin looks amazed...

Caitlin can be a bit of a brat...

THE HUNTED ONE  (A Story of Telekinesis) [ Completed ]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ