Chapter Fourteen: Bad News

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The day after my tests were complete Maxwell lets me sleep-in.  It was about twelve noon when Sarah burst into my room.  "Get up. Maxwell wants to see us, Now!" 

I jump up, wondering what's happened and get dressed.  We run to Maxwell's office, knock on the door and go inside. He's standing up, looking out the window. 

He turns, "Please sit down."  We do and he sits down behind his desk. He remains silent for a moment... "I'm sorry to have to tell you this... The person I had at Sheila's school has called with troubling news.  Sheila... is missing."

I begin to feel like I'm tingling all over as Maxwell continues, "She told me that Sheila left for class ahead of her by only five minutes and when she arrived Sheila had not shown up. She immediately left the room and searched the campus. I'm sorry Kyle, but she's missing."

My fear and anger begin to overwhelm me.  As they do Sarah and Maxwell feels the hair on their arms stand up, and several items in the room begin to vibrate. 

They look around the room and see what's happening. Maxwell turns back to me, "Kyle, calm down. You have to control it." Forcing myself to close my eyes I concentrate and everything stops shaking...

I stand up quickly, "I thought you were going to keep her safe.  What happened?" I shout.

Maxwell remains calm, "We're not sure.  I did find out she was threatened by an agent yesterday.  She may have simply went home." 

"Or she may be in trouble.  She's my best friend.  We grew up together.  What are you going to do?"

Maxwell looks at Sarah, "I want you to use your ability and see if you can find her location.  We need to know if she actually is in trouble." 

Sarah nods at Maxwell, then she turns to me, "Kyle, I need you to help me. Please sit down." I do and I turn to face her. "Hold my hands and think about Sheila."  I take her hands and as I do, Sarah slowly closes her eyes as she begins to concentrate. 

Sarah's vision is blurry, then starts to clear.  She begins to see Sheila... She's lying on a small bed and appears to be sleeping. The room she's in has no windows and the walls are made of concrete.  Sarah's vision backs away out of her room and she can see a long hallway with several doors leading to a bigger room that has two guards at a desk.

She uses her ability to back out of the basement, up and out of a staircase to the outside of a large white building.  There's a fence around the property with armed guards at two gates.  She sees a sign outside of the fence.  It has '2359 Research Dr Lakeview, California Jackson Federal Research Facility' written on it. 

Sarah snaps out of it, opens her eyes and squeezes my hands, "I'm sorry Kyle, but they have her."

After hearing her words, anger ripples through me...  Suddenly a lamp on the table beside me explodes.

"Kyle, control it!" Maxwell shouts.

I don't want to calm down... I stand up and look down at Sarah, "Where is she?" 

Sarah looks at Maxwell pleadingly and he turns to me, "Kyle, the reason they abducted your friend is because they want to get to you.  They're trying to use her as bait to lure you out to either capture you, or kill you.  You know this." 

"I don't care.  I owe her everything," I shout.

Turning away from both of them I walk to the window... Standing in silence I force myself to calm down. As a tear falls down my cheek my voice trembles, "I let them kill my Mom," Sarah rushes over and puts her arms around me. "I can't let them kill her too. I have to try and save her," I turn around to face her. "Even if it costs me my life." 

I softly take her hand, "Please... tell me where she is."  Sarah has a tear falling as well. She sees how much I'm hurting, and she doesn't know what to do...

"Kyle, I know it's hard, but you have to trust us. Let me talk to Sarah and Karen. While we're doing this please go outside and get some air." 

Reluctantly, I do as he asks.  I guess he doesn't want to take the chance I'll lose control and blow off the roof. As I walk out of the door, Karen glances at me as she rushes inside. 

I just can't just stand here so I go for a walk around the property trying to calm down and think.  As I get to one of the training areas I see John. He's practicing using his ability and I see what he's trying to do... He's focused on the black car... I stop and remain quiet while I watch him for a couple of minutes and the car doesn't even shake. Soon he loses his strength and drops to his knees.

I quickly run over to him, "Are you alright?"

With blood dripping from his nose he looks up at me, still trying to recover.

"How did you move that car? Let alone lift it and hold it in the air for five minutes.  I know we've both been told the same thing from Maxwell, but I've had years of practice and I still cant budge it," he shakes his head. "So how did you do it?" 

I feel sorry for him, "I don't know John, I really don't." 

I look up and see the wall with the bullet holes in it.  I turn back to him, and change the subject. "Have you ever practiced on the firing range?" 

He snickers, "No Kyle, I haven't. I know the theory, but I've never done it, or seen it done. It's just too dangerous."

I turn back to the wall and make my decision, "Teach me the theory." He looks at me and realizes what I'm thinking.

Helping him to his feet, he looks at me, "Forget it Kyle. I know you're powerful, but this is something else entirely."

"John, I've just learned I have a friend in trouble.  The Special Unit has her and I'm going to rescue her or die trying and I need all the help I can get.  So please, teach me what you know."  He takes a couple of steps, hesitates for a moment, turns back to me... and begins to explain...

THE HUNTED ONE  (A Story of Telekinesis) [ Completed ]Where stories live. Discover now