Chapter Eleven: An Agent Visits

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The next day...

Sheila had arrived at her school two days ago, has settled in and has met her room mate Tracey Conner.  She's also a Freshman and is out on her own for the first time.  After the past couple of days they seem to have become good friends.  They're laughing, meeting other people, just having a good time.  Later in the evening, they're relaxing in their dorm room when they hear a knock at the door.  Tracey answers it and is greeted by a man in his thirties dressed in a black suit. 

"I'm sorry to bother you, but is Sheila Summers here?"  He asks.

Tracey turns to look at Sheila, "Yes, but what is this about?" 

The man shows his federal ID. "I'm special agent White.  May I come in and speak with her for a moment?" Sheila, now sitting up on her bed, nods and he enters the room as Tracey closes the door. 

"Miss Summers, I'm afraid I have some troubling news for you." 

"Sheila, do you want me to leave?" Tracey asks.

"No. Please stay."

The agent begins, "There's been an incident in Greenville.  I believe you know Kyle Richards," Sheila nods. "There's been a break in at Kyle's residence. He's missing and his Mother has been killed."

She stares at him as tears begin to fall, "Oh my God..."

He continues, "Apparently there was a burglary, some type of fight broke out and the house caught fire."

Sheila's now crying hysterically. The agent stops while Tracey tries to calm her down.  After a few minutes Sheila has regained her composure. "I don't understand... And what do you mean he's missing?"

He turns to Tracey, "May I speak with Sheila alone for a few minutes?" Tracey looks at Sheila and she nods.

"I'll be right outside."  She steps out of the room staying close to the door.

As soon as it's shut, the agent turns back at Sheila, "I was actually hoping you could tell me," Sheila looks confused. "You see Miss Summers, there were some things at the fire scene that didn't add up.  The fire department got there quickly and saved most of the house," he pulls out some pictures of the damage. "As you can see, all of the windows and doors have been blown out very violently. The fire itself could not have done this."  He's looking very carefully at Sheila, watching her reactions. 

"Have you ever witnessed anything unusual at the residence or about Kyle?"  She begins to get very nervous.

"No," she answers as she continues to wipe away her tears.

He gets out his laptop. "Let me show you something." He plays the video form the school of Kyle and Brads fight.  She watches it and wonders how he got the video.

"I've never seen that video before." 

"Oh, I'm sure you haven't."

He pulls up another file and a copy of the video off YouTube plays showing everything that happened.

"Yeah I remember the fire. It was just down from my house," she admits. "But I wasn't there."

The agent smiles and plays an enhanced blow up of the ending clearly showing both of us as we turned, and ran away. She slowly looks up at him as her heart pounds in her chest... "He knows..."

He smiles at her reaction.  "Are you sure?"  She closes her eyes for a few seconds, "My God... what am I going to do?"

He leans in close to her, "You know what Kyle can do and you've been helping him to develop it." 

"How can he possibly know all of this?" She remains silent. 

"I'll take that, as a YES!"  He leans back a little. "Do you know where he is?" 

"No I don't," she answers as her voice cracks.

He stares at her for a moment, "Well, for your sake I hope you're telling me the truth.  Because if I find out you're lying, there could be another fire in Greenville.  This time a little closer to home, if you understand me." 

Terrified, she stares at him. She doesn't want anything to happen to her Mother.  Overwhelmed with it all she suddenly breaks down, "Yes I know what Kyle can do, but he's harmless.  He wouldn't hurt anyone.  And no, I don't know where he is.  I've tried to call him and his phone goes straight to voice mail. I haven't talked to him since I left for school." 

The agent looks at her for a moment, then packs up his laptop. "OK. I believe you, at least for now."  He stands up and throws a card down on Sheila's bed. "If he contacts you contact me immediately or something might happen to you as well."  Sheila stares at him, scared out of her mind...

He nods his head, "Good day Miss Summers." He turns and walks out the door.  Tracey comes in, closes it quickly and sits down beside her.

"I've heard everything.  Tell me what this is all about and what it is that your friend Kyle can do," she whispers.

Sheila, needing someone to talk to gets out her laptop and shows her the video of the fire.  Tracey is amazed by what she sees. "This is real?  It's not some kind of hoax?" 

"Yeah it's real.  He received his ability on his sixteenth birthday.  I was there the first time it surfaced." She pauses, remembering, "He was trying to protect me when it happened. We've been working on his gift for the last couple of years.  As you've seen he can do incredible things. We've been able to keep it a secret until the fire and that video was posted."

Tracey watches it again... "This is incredible. I never believed such things were possible."

After a moment, Sheila starts to cry, "Deep down I think Kyle knew something like this would happen," she looks at Tracey. "He's my best friend.  I can't even begin to imagine what he's going through. I've always been there for him and now I'm not and he's missing.  Tracey tell me, what do I do?"

Tracey hugs her trying to comfort her, "I don't know... But somehow we'll get through this together. I promise."

The Special Unit is on the hunt... Is Sheila in trouble?

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