Chapter Twenty Five: The Rendezvous

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As we reach the rendezvous point, Sheila and John are standing outside their vehicle. Mike pulls up next to them and Maxwell gets out quickly and helps Sarah get me to my feet.

Sheila runs over to me, "Are you alright?" She looks at me and gasps...  My eyes are still black.

Noticing her reaction, I grin, "I feel great... really."

They help me get into another SUV. Sarah jumps in on the driver side of me and Sheila jumps into the passenger side. John's driving and Maxwell gets in the front.

He turns to Mike, "Thanks for everything my friend. I mean it."

Mike shakes his hand, "Until next time Maxwell," he looks toward us. "You've got a good group. Take care of them." He pats his hand on the door, steps back and John drives us away...

I'm leaning against Sarah, her arm around me as Sheila sits facing us. She looks like she doesn't know what to say. I look over at her and grin, "Sheila, this is Sarah my girlfriend. Sarah, this is Sheila my lifelong friend."

They look at each other and Sarah smiles, "It's nice to finally meet you in person." Sheila looks a little perplexed.

"Sarah has a gift too.  She's a watcher.  She told us where you were being held and has been keeping an eye on you since you were kidnapped."

Shelia looks amazed, but grateful as well, "Thank you for taking care of Kyle and helping me."

Sarah smiles, "Your welcome.  Any friend Kyle cares this much about has to be worth saving."

Sheila smiles a little... still trying to comprehend everything that's happened...

As Sarah holds me in her arms I relax for the first time since all this started.  My remaining strength quickly drains away. As I smile at Sheila, the darkness slowly takes me away...

Two days later....

As I wake up everything is blurry. As my vision clears, I see an IV hooked to my arm again. I look over and see Sarah and Sheila sitting beside me.

"Where are we this time?"

"We're back in Oregon," Sarah says.

I try to raise up and they both jump up. "No you don't. Lie back down. You're not going anywhere for a few days," Sheila says.

They sit back down and grin at me.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"Nothing... We've just been doing a lot of talking," Sarah says.

"Talking about what?"

They look at each other.  "Not about what... We've been exchanging stories... all about you..." Sheila says.

I lay my head back down and stare at the ceiling.

"Oh no... I should've known you two would become friends." They just look at each other and laugh...

Maxwell opens the door and walks in the room. 

I look up, "Save me."

He looks at all of us and laughs as he stands at the foot of the bed. "Welcome back. Again."

"Thanks. I really mean it. If it wasn't for you and your people. I would be in a cage or worse... Sheila may have been in the same shape, and I would never have met Sarah."

"No thanks necessary. You two are worth it."

My thoughts turn to Scott.

I look up at Maxwell, "Did you see who I was fighting?"

"Yes, I did, but that's all over now."

Maxwell continues, "There are some people that we simply can't help. Both Tracey and Scott had been experimented on before they came to us. There was simply nothing we could do.  They had already been brainwashed by the Special Unit." 

"What happened to Keller?" 

"We don't know. He seems to have disappeared. Sarah can't even locate him. He may have been killed in the building collapse or he may still be out there. But for now at least, everyone is safe. John has picked up Sheila's Mom and is currently on their way here. Once they arrive, Sheila and her Mom will be staying here with us where it's nice and safe."

I look at Sarah and Sheila as they smile at me and turn back at Maxwell, "I don't know if everyone is safe." 

The girls laugh and stand up.  "We'll be back in a little while to check on you," Sheila says.

Sarah leans over and gives me a kiss. "Stay in bed. That's an order!  Oh, and just to give you something to think about, Sheila and I have been talking the last couple of days getting to know each other," I raise my head up and stare at them, "I believe we have a few more stories left to tell." 

Sheila smiles at me, "Bye.  See you later."  And they head out the door.

I look at Maxwell. "God help me..."

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