Chapter Ten: Meeting with Maxwell

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Later on the same evening, Maxwell requests that I come to his office. As I walk in the door (Karen) my nurse from earlier walks out and closes the door. "Have a seat Kyle," Maxwell says. I sit down and he looks at me for a moment. "I know you've been through more than any teenager should.  The loss of your mother has to be weighing heavily upon you.  I want you to know that If you ever need to talk, you can come to me at any time." 

I look down at the floor, "It still doesn't seem real.  I wish I could have done something to save her." 

"You did all you could.  As I said, those men are very ruthless people.  They've killed countless innocent Paranormals believing what they are doing is right."

I think for a moment, and look up, "I guess there's no way I can go to her funeral, is there?"

He slowly shakes his head, "I'm sorry Kyle. It's just to dangerous. The Special Unit that captured you will have agents there keeping watch. And I'm sure the local authorities will be watching for you as well. They'll have a lot of questions that they need answered as well."

We sit quietly for a moment, then he changes the subject.  "When did you first learn of your ability?" I explain all that has happened since I turned sixteen. He listens intently, taking it all in, "You've learned all you know and have become so powerful with just the help of your friend? Simply incredible.  Who else knows of your ability?" 

"Definitely Sheila and her Mom," I smile, "and the family of the girl I saved at the fire.  They figured out who I was and came to thank me." I think for a moment, "And of course Cassie Jones.  She was a girl I went to school with.  She's the one that posted the video of me." I pause for a few seconds, "There's one more.  Brad Wilson from school, although I really couldn't say what he actually remembers about the fight we had. I accidentally threw him down a hall knocking him out."

He nods, "Kyle, I don't think you realize how special you are. Most people who are Telekinetic never gets beyond moving match sticks, and that's after years of practice. You're truly unique. We have only one other Mover currently with us, John Taylor, who is anywhere close to the level of your ability.  He's older than you and he has had years of training. He was one of the team I sent in that rescued you."

He pauses a few seconds, "But there have been others over the years that have been fairly powerful. They were much older than you of course and some chose to use their gifts in a life of crime.  Most of them are dead now, killed by the Special Unit."

Pausing for a moment he seems to be thinking, like he's remembers something.  He stares at me, almost like he wants to ask me a question, then he seems to change his mind,  "These peoples criminal acts are the main reason the Special Unit led by Dr Keller came into existence. But now, they're going after all Paranormals not just the criminals.  They believe we're all dangerous regardless if we have committed a crime or not."

I think about everything Maxwell has told me. Then, I think about my best friend.  "You told me that you were going to protect Sheila. Fill me in."

He nods, "She has arrived safely at California Tech. I have someone on the inside that's going to be keeping an eye on her. Sarah can also keep a check on her using her ability as well," he smiles. "Sarah's the reason we found you so quickly after we saw the video on the internet. She's the reason you're here and not with the Special Unit in a cage."

"I'll have to thank her again. She's helped me more than I thought."

"Is there anything else we can do to protect Sheila. Can't we just go get her and bring her back here?"

Maxwell shakes his head, "No. At least not yet. In most cases people like Sheila that know a person with abilities are simply questioned and are threatened to never try to see or talk to anyone about them.  I believe this will be the case with your friend. Trust me. We'll be watching her. If it goes any further than that, then we'll act accordingly."

"I know she has to be worried sick about me. Can I call her?"

"I'm sorry but not for a while. Not until we're sure they're not watching her anymore." I nod my head in disappointment.

Maxwell notices, and changes the subject, "In the meantime, we're going to test you and start developing your skills. I also think it will be good for you to keep your mind busy. If someone dwells on something negative long enough, it can have a very profound effect upon them." I sit there staring at him, trying to take it all in. 

He smiles, "You're going to get through this Kyle. I promise." After a moment he looks at his watch, "It's getting late, so we'll start early in the morning.  Karen will show you to your cabin." 

I stand up, "Good night sir and thanks again for all you've done." 

He stands up, "You're welcome Kyle.  Try and get some rest, and remember if you need to talk my door is always open."  I shake his hand and walk outside. Karen is there waiting on me,

"Follow me and I'll show you to your cabin." We walk a short distance to where several are lined up.

We arrive, she opens the door and turns on the light, "This is it. If you need anything press two on your phone. It will ring in directly to me."

"Thanks Karen. I appreciate it."

As I climb the steps she grabs my arm, "I know what happened to you," I turn back to her. "I'm so sorry. I know this place and people are basically strangers to you, but I want you to consider us your new family. We all help take care of each other." She smiles, "Try to get some sleep. Tomorrow you have a busy day ahead." She turns and walks away...

I think about what she said as I go inside, and shut the door. "I guess they are my new family," I sigh, "Especially since I can never go home, or have anyone to go home to."

As I begin checking out my cabin I notice it looks more like a dorm room. I have a small bathroom, a bed, a book shelf with a few books on it, and a notebook and pen. Tearing out a sheet of paper I make an airplane out of it and lying down on my bed I use my thoughts to fly it around the room just like Sheila and I did months ago. As I watch it circle overhead I think about her and wonder if I'll ever be able to see her again...

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