Chapter Thirty Seven: Brainwashed

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Thursday...  Somewhere on the road...

We've been driving for several hours. Our team consists of Maxwell, John, Sarah and myself. Maxwell has also called Mike Reeves from the group in California. His team will meet us in Moores Mill, Alabama. As we drive, Sarah has used her gift and has tried to keep tabs on William and Caitlin. They've arrived at an old house somewhere out in the country.

She hasn't been able to pinpoint their exact location because the back roads had no street signs.  When she concentrates on Caitlin, she sees her crying... At least it appears she's not being held against her will... not yet anyway...

Sarah sees her both inside and outside the old farm house. She can also see William and his men. The one person she can't find is Leslie. Even when she specifically concentrates on her she gets nothing. As we're driving Beth calls and Maxwell answers.

After he hangs up he turns to us, "I have some disturbing news. Beth has intercepted an e-mail from one of the Special Unit's agents. Leslie's been killed.  They found her at the warehouse. Her neck was broken."

I think about that for a moment. "It had to be William," everyone looks at me. "Remember the armored car incident. He broke the guards necks."

Maxwell nods in agreement...  I sit back and think of how Caitlin must be feeling. I know how I felt when I lost my Mom. Then it hits me.

"William killed Leslie and I'm sure he blamed it on the Special Unit. What better way to get her to come to his side when he attacks their facility."

Maxwell stares at me, "You do know what this means." I slowly nod my head...

My worst fear has come true, "We're going to have to face Caitlin as well."

Outside Huntsville, at the old farm house...

Caitlin's behind the house practicing using her ability. She sets up several bottles along a fence row and thinks about what Kyle told her. 'Push from her mind hard and use her hand to help her direct her power.' She concentrates, looks at one of the bottles and throws out her hand. The bottle she was looking at flies off the fence. William's stands behind her, watching...

"You did well," he puts his hand on her shoulder. "Did Kyle teach you this?"

"Yes," she whispers as William nods.

"Try doing the same thing, only this time use your emotions to help increase your power."

She looks at him for a moment, then turns back to the fence. She pictures the agent killing her Mom and tries again.  While staring at the bottles, they begin to shake... She grits her teeth and throws out her hand as the glass bottle explodes. 

"Very good. You are definitely my daughter. I'm proud of you, and your Mother would be too."

As she thinks about that, she turns back toward the rest of the bottles and screams as she throws out her hands. This time all the bottles explodes and the wooden fence is knocked down. 

William smiles. "My plan is working perfectly... Now it's time to turn up her emotions even more"

Moore's Mill, Alabama, outside of Huntsville...

We've just arrived at our rendezvous point. It's a small safe house for Paranormals in this area.  We get out and Mike walks outside to meet us...

Maxwell shakes his hand, "Thanks for coming MIke."

"Anytime you need me Maxwell. You know that."

He looks toward me, "Well, hello Kyle. I promise I won't throw a knife at you this time."  He reaches out his hand.

I hesitate, then take it, "Thanks for your help." He nods.  As he walks by he pats me on the back again...

Maxwell looks at the house, "This place is too small for all of us. Break out the tents and set up camp."

After we're done with everything I ask Sarah to check on Caitlin again. She sits down, closes her eyes and begins to concentrate. As her vision slowly clears she sees her sitting on the front porch of the old house. William walks out and sits down beside her.

"I know you've been through a lot, but there is something I need to tell you." Caitlin looks up at him.

"I know you're mourning your Mother, but you need to hear this. Soon, I'll be gone as well. I have a tumor in my brain because of all the experiments and I don't have long," Caitlin has a tear running down her face. "I've been planning an attack against the people who held me captive for a while. Now, with the death of your Mother, I have even more reason to do it.  Tomorrow my men and I will attack the facility of the agents that killed Leslie. I'm going to kill them all.  I'm sorry, but I probably won't be coming back." Caitlin eyes are now filled with tears...

She turns and stares at the ground, "They have taken everything away from me," she looks up at William. "I'm going with you Dad."

Extreme anger appears on her face. She grits her teeth, "We will kill every last one..." She hugs her Dad and sobs hysterically. William holds her, and smiles...

Sarah snaps out of it and is crying...

"Sarah, tell me," I say.

She looks at me. "You're right. William has her convinced that the agents killed her Mother and also admitted to her that he's dying, blaming the Special Unit's experiments. He's told her of the planned attack. Kyle, she's going to help him like we feared."

She shakes her head.  "I can see it in her face. She's hurting so badly. He has her so torn up inside. If she remembers what you taught her and holds onto her anger, she may be more powerful than you."

Sarah has already told Maxwell of her last vision as he has a meeting with both groups explaining to everyone of the situation we face and who we're facing... He also tells everyone how William has manipulated her into helping him and how powerful she may be. Looking around I think everyone has mixed feelings about all of this and they're not alone.

Maxwell continues. "According to Beth, the meeting will begin at 1 p.m.  We'll have a final meeting in the morning at seven. Everyone try to get some rest. We're going to need it..."

Sarah and I walk over to our tent and sit down on an old log in front of our fire. Sarah watches me as I stare into the flames. She can see the stress on my face and hugs me. "You know we'll do everything we can to save her."

"I know. I'm just afraid he has her so brainwashed, she may be to far gone to save," I look at her. "I want you to stay here."

She looks surprised, "Kyle, the comms only have a range of five miles. I have to be close. Besides, I promised Sheila I would bring you back."

For a brief moment, I smile and think of how innocently all this started with a baseball bouncing toward my best friend. It seems so long ago...

"What?" Sarah asks.

"Nothing." I say staring into her blue eyes... "Tomorrow no matter what happens, remember, I love you,...Always." We kiss and crawl inside our tent...

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