Ch.27: Jesus, Sherlock!

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Chapter 27:

John arrived and is currently sitting in a dim hallway with his jacket collar turned up and his hair ruffled to look like Sherlock's. This is how we are going to trick Mary into telling the truth. Telling John ourselves would be meaningless, he needs to hear it from her.

I sniff the air then turn to Sherlock,"She is nearby."

He nods and pulls out his phone to call her.

I wait in the darkened hall, anxious for Mary to get here so we can finish this. I am worried about Sherlock's health. He should be in a hospital, not walking around.

Sounds of footsteps reach my ears. I nudge Sherlock and give him a look. He nods.

Mary walks into the darkened hallway, talking to Sherlock on her phone. She stops when she sees the silhouette at the end of the room which is actually John. I stand in a shadowed area near her, just incase she decides to do something crazy like shoot the sitting 'Sherlock'.

"How good a shot are you?" Sherlock questions Mary from his spot down another corridor.

She reaches inside her coat, pulls out her pistol and cocks it, holding it down by her side. "How badly do you want to find out?"

I tense and ready myself to intervene if need be.

"If I die here, my body will be found in a building with your face projected on the front of it," Sherlock smartly counters,"Even Scotland Yard could get somewhere with that. Also, you would have a very angry maid of honor on your hands."

Mary nods her agreement, still looking towards the shadowed figure at the end of the corridor.

Sherlock then goads her into showing him how good of a shot she is. Mary takes a coin from her pocket and flips it up into the air, shooting it with precision accuracy before it can fall.

Sherlock then walks out of his hiding place from behind her, turns his phone off and reveals himself. Mary turns, not too shocked.

"May I see?" Sherlock asks wth his hand out.

Mary peers towards the shadowy figure sitting at the end of the corridor, then lowers her head and turns to Sherlock, laughing quietly. "It's a dummy. Or Sara." She lowers her phone from her ear,"I suppose it was a fairly obvious trick."

She walks a few paces forward, puts her foot against the coin and sends it sliding across the floor towards him. Sherlock puts his foot onto it to stop it. He looks at her as she continues her slow walk towards him, then he bends down and picks up the coin. When he straightens up and speaks, his voice is tight with pain.

"And yet, over a distance of six feet, you failed to make a kill shot," Sherlock hums. He holds the coin up to show the hole shot through it. He looks like hell – shaky on his feet, sweating and breathing heavily as he continues talking.

"Actually, you may have succedded if not for me," I say as I step out of my hiding spot to stand next to Sherlock,"You didn't intend to kill him, but you almost did by dumb luck. The bullet just happened to nick an artery."

Mary meets my gaze for a moment, then lowers her eyes.

I cock my head to the side, eyes narrowed,"If it wasn't for John and Sherlock, you would be dead at my feet right now."

Mary raises her gaze in shock. Sherlock looks at her with weary eyes,"...You are not the only one with secrets. Sara is a highly trained killer as well." After a moment of silence,"I'll take the case."

Mary looks at him,"What case?"

"Yours." He turns a bit angry,"Why didn't you come to me in the first place?"

"Because John can't ever know that I lied to him. It would break him and I would lose him forever – and, Sherlock, I will never let that happen," Mary says with true emotion,"Please... understand. There is nothing in this world that I would not do to stop that happening."

Sherlock turns away from her,"Sorry," he walks to a fuse box and flips on the lights,"Not that obvious a trick."

Behind her, John stands and fixes his hair, lowering his jacket collar as well.

Even though Mary has not seen him yet, her face fills with dread as if she has already realized the truth. Lowering her eyes and letting out a breath, she turns to look along the corridor to where the figure at the end can now be seen clearly. She gasps, while John glares at her with a look of betrayal.

"Now talk, and sort it out," Sherlock says breathlessly, obviously in pain. "Do it quickly."

I wrap my arm around Sherlock to keep him upright. We then all return to the flat on Baker street to converse in a more secure environment.


We sit in tense silence at the flat. John is glaring at Mary, she is avoiding his gaze, and I'm watching Sherlock worriedly. I want to get him back to the hospital but he refused to until John and Mary sort everything out.

John starts to question Mary, asking if she really ever loved him. He is angry, but I can also see how heartbroken he is.

"Of course I love you!" Mary tells him earnestly,"That will never change. I just... I thought if you knew my past that you would leave me."

"Who are you then?"

She gulps and then pulls a small flash drive from her pocket. "This contains my entire past. Everything is on here," she hands it to John,"I just ask that you not look at it while I'm here."

John stays quiet, looking at the flash drive.

"John?" Sherlock questions.

"How can you be so calm about this?" John snarls at his hurt friend,"How long have you known about this?!"

"We only found out when she shot him," I intervene.

"Yes. She shot him!"

"She was only trying to keep you safe," Sherlock tells John,"Magnussen is a menace to society. Had she just killed him, then you and I would be held accountable. This was the only way-"

"SHE SHOT YOU!" John shouts.

"She also saved me!" Sherlock raises his voice, then winces as pain flares within his body.

I frown,"What do you mean?"

Sherlock's breathing starts to worsen,"She called the ambulance."

"No, I did," John says.

"It takes an ambulance approximently-"

Suddenly the door to the flat slams open and two paramedics charge in.

Sherlock looks at his watch and smiles weakly,"8 minutes to arrive," he stands,"The ambulance would have arrived much later if it was the one John called. No, it was Mary who called. Allowing the paramedics to arrive minutes earlier to save me. Even with Sara's help, I may have still died if it wasn't for Mary."

The paramedics stand there confused. "Um, we got a call about someone suffering a gun shot wound."

"Yes, that would be me," Sherlock stumbles towards them,"I was shot a couple days ago, but I fear that I may be bleeding internally." He suddenly collapses.

I rush to catch him. "Jesus, Sherlock!"





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