Thirty - Two Part 1

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"I highly suggest you remember who's in charge here."

Sven was tempted to quit. To end it all and begin a new life free of the terror that was Tanner. "I'm trying to help you out here Tanner. You can destroy your relationship all you want. Griffin, me...whatever. But him--the boy who's given his absolute heart to you? I won't allow it. Not for a millisecond."

Tanner's face crumpled into confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You threw away his picture. That may mean nothing to you but for him--"

"I didn't mean to." Tanner interrupted. He had been so wrapped up in what had happened between him and Griffin and the mess at home with Sven he didn't even bother to think a think about his little were. "Jesus. How upset is he?"

He got up to reconcile the youth but Sven stopped him with a hand on his chest. "I calmed him down. He's probably forgotten about it now."

Tanner was humbled. "Thank you Sven. Honestly. I know I've been a bit abrasive lately--"

"A bit?" Sven wanted to laugh. "You have no respect for me Tanner. You still see me as the frail little human you turned."

Tanner scoffed. "I respect you Sven."

"No you don't. All those you've touched me without my permission doesn't show respect. It shows that you're possessive and that you believe that since you Sired me, you've got a right to do whatever you'd like."

Tanner hesitated a moment. He did think that. But then again, he had given Sven new life. Didn't that indenture him to Tanner? Or had he done his time respectively and now it was time to let Sven free to explore and create his own kin. Tanner nodded his head solemnly. "I'll accept your resignation if you want to leave. I won't argue."

It was like his stomach was dropping a million miles as he thought of Sven going. At the same time hope rushed out from under Sven leaking him doused in cold panic. "What?" His tone was a bit strained as he begged for Tanner to re-evaluate. To let him know that this wasn't what he wanted.

"You want respect. I don't blame you. I took my independence by running a stake through my Sire's heart. I should be thanking you for going by such civil means. I cannot force you to stay here and tend to me and Luca. If you have another calling, I won't stop you."

But Tanner's promise shattered with break in voice. His head turned downcast to hide his emotion. "I won't leave you Tanner. But we need to make one thing clear." Tanner and Sven locked eye contact. "From this were proceed one of two ways: as employee and employer or as lovers. There cannot be the overlap any longer. If you don't love don't ask for us to make love."

Tanner made his choice instantly. How had he managed to win this man over? He had been rude, crude and violent. Yet he was still willing to give another go--to give Tanner another glow. Tanner stepped forced and leaned down before pausing a drawing back. Worry rang clear on Sven face as he wondered what could have possibly pushed away.

"May I kiss you Sven, my Prince?"

The old nicknamed spurred recollections of the two riding through the hills of Sven's country. Making love beneath fruit trees in the orchard and the almost childish fun of wading the wide stream. Tears leapt to Sven's eyes and he shook his head yes.

Sven was feeling good about this new direction. Tanner was just happy to have his prince back his arms. Griffin was a worry for another time.

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